Why do so many death metal elitists HATE NMF?

No, you can't guarantee that...RTC fits very well to that time, but NMF has a much more modern sound and tr00 0ldskul deathmetal elitists think it's too modern.
In my opinion it's one of the best albums ever made...peter kills everything ;)

LifeDepraved: because it's a tribute that anally skullfucks virgins :p

But see the albums wouldn't fit that time because they are tributes...so they would sound completely different...well Nightmares would probably be the same because it's like how everyone says...a little more modern than releases before.

And Repugnant's Epitome Of Darkness still slays tribute wise for me :)

Verminous is pretty close.
But see the albums wouldn't fit that time because they are tributes...so they would sound completely different...well Nightmares would probably be the same because it's like how everyone says...a little more modern than releases before.

And Repugnant's Epitome Of Darkness still slays tribute wise for me :)

Verminous is pretty close.

Yup. Repugnant are rockin' for me when I'm in that mood. Total Scream Bloody Gore complete with the choruses and everything :kickass:
And that Morbid cover...ohhhh baby. I wish I could hear the real tune...Go track the guys down Stefan...gimme that live tape that no one has :D
Yay, rocking! Newcastle is pure pwnage. I've got mr. Carlsberg in my hand right now and listening to some Disincarnate. Do you like that band? James Murphy's band in 1993. Kinda tech death yet oldschool. Sounds a bit like "Spiritual Healing" gone more brutal.
Think I gave them a listen around my "AMERICAN DEATH METAL ONLY ACHTUNG!" phase...haha...Not too much into anything Technical, but I'll give it a listen.
Well it's technical in a Death - Human/Suffocation - Pierced sense, meaning that it just fucking owns. Those albums cant be touched by other technical Death. Anyway I gotta eat now. Just had myself a Minttu. Soumi Perekel!
Funny since the only release from Death I bother to listen to anymore is Scream Bloody Gore and Suffocation...Effigy...Would probably be Breeding, but what an awful job on production...they need to remaster it.
I tryed...I got pretty bored to tell you the truth...it isn't some "growing up" bullshit. I'll say though...It's sad that those mid-later Death albums get ripped off so much these days...and those bands don't even say its a tribute to Death. Oh well, that's another story and it can go on forever.
yup and its a good story, so true. Human, Individual Thought Patterns and Pierced From Within just rapes the newer tech bands tbh, 'cause they have songwriting. And I know its not a growing up thing, dont get all trivium on me sir ;) You've heard it all just like me, you're just more of a nekro undergroundah
That wasn't towards you, more of a general statement. But yeah, I'm more into the "earlier" sound these days...and the bands that compliment that well these days. No Jump-da-fuck-up groove, clean as a whistle production, full albums of filler for this guy. QUALITY OVER QUANTITY IS THE LAW! HAIL BESTIAL MADNESS!!!! ARGH...and shit!
YEAH BESTIAL BROOTAL MANDESS OV DOOM! I do agree with your philosophy for sure, I just guess I have a higher acceptance for modern stuff. As long as its not gothenburg or metalcore, than I just feel like defecating