Why do so many death metal elitists HATE NMF?

Speaking of NMF... is anyone else completely in love with Blood Vortex? I initally loved Cancer of The Soul and Eaten the most but that song just grows stronger with time. I love the sick semi-melodies and midtempo pwnage of it
I cant tell you how many times I have talked to various friends and they have said "Oh you like them? They sold out! I only like 'Satanic Bloodfart' because they don't make a single cent and they play in the garage next door! I'm so broooooooooootal for listening to them".

Just because they are your best friends and have never been heard of doesn't make them the most brutal band ever. Chances are they suck and you are just namedropping them to sound like you are into really underground stuff.

My honest opinion is that anyone who doesn't like Bloodbath is a completely poser, because they are incredible musicians made of of members from incredible bands. To say they suck is to say you like shitty music. And NMF is a great album, regardless of your vocalist preference.

I don't see how you can say that album "sucks" unless you really do just like awful music.


Haha, perfect. Close thread. :)
It's an awesome song with the most evil riff in all of Bloodbath! My favorite part is the final verse. 2:30 and onward, how can anyone not like that shit?
I'd rank the NMF songs somewhat like this:

Blood Vortex
Outnumbering The Day
The Ascension
Cancer of The Soul
Brave New Hell
Feeding The Undead
Soul Evisceration
Stillborn Saviour
Draped In Disease
Year of The Cadaver Race
Bastard Son of God
My list would be something like...

Brave New Hell
Outnumbering The Day
The Ascension
Feeding The Undead
Cancer Of The Soul
Soul Evisceration
Bastard Son Of God
Draped In Disease
Year Of The Cadaver Race
Blood Vortex
Stillborn Saviour
I think that Bastard Son Of God has the most evil riff on the album.

That or stillborn savior. It's a hard one to pick.
Out of all Bloodbath riffs though I think Blasting The Virginborn sounds pretty damn evil :rock:

Stillborn Savior
Bastard Son Of God
The Ascension
Blood Vortex
Cancer Of The Soul
Year Of The Cadaver Race
Brave New Hell
Draped In Disease
Outnumbering The Day
Soul Evisceration
Feeding The Undead
I prefer the production and sound of Nightmares Made Flesh as well. RTC sounds dirty to me which gives it character in some ways but it doesn't truly capture the great sound of any of the members to me either. If they were to combine both sounds into a good mixture it would be killer
You have great taste. :)
Ceremony of Opposites slays.

Fuckin' awesome dude. Yeah, Samael was actually the first band to truly get me into extreme metal of any kind, so they always have my respect even though they sorta went in different directions after Passage.

Next to Mikael, Vorphalack has probably my favorite growl in metal history.

The first semi-BM band for me too, they played Baphomets Throne alot on Headbangers ball in the nineties, thats how i found them.
Too bad there isnt any good live-footage from the ceremony-era when imo they had their peak.
The last years i have gotten into their later stuff, I love "Lesson In Magic #1".
Oh nice!
It's cool to see someone who is a little more open to their techno-metal stuff. Most metalheads I know scoff at everything after Passage (and that's fine, I know it's a lot different). But personally I think Solar Soul is a return to form. He's got the growl back on several songs, so it made me very happy. I'm a fanboy to Samael, so I like all their music regardless of the direction they take, haha.

But yes, I agree...Ceremony was their peak.
Baphomets Throne is a great song. Ceremony of Opposites was a really good cd, just a shame they didn't make more music in the vein of it.