No Mercy Fest - London Review 8 April

I couldn't hear his guitar at the SF show a few weeks ago. But Lead Ax was a shredda in all other Dragonlord and Testament shows I've seen (every show they've put on in the Bay area or Sac).

New material will hopefully remove any doubts. (read:I want it NOW) And, we'll finally be able to hear Lead Ax's own style rather than rehash others' solos.

Like P79, I never believed Alex's sound fit well with the wall of thrash put up by Eric and others, not on the Ritual or on any other IMO. I kinda prefer a more brutal, raw Mustaine, or Alvelias, or Jeff Waters. Sorta the in your face, no-frills approach to pinning heads to the fuckin' wall.
I'll be honest...I could barely even tell what Steve and Eric were playing at Thrashfest. I'm, let's put it this way, Napoleonic, so I had a bit of trouble seeing the stage at points; also, I spent a lot of time in the pit. And it's always hard to hear exactly what's going on live, especially after six other bands' worth of headbanging and ear pain. But it sounded good to me...of course, that was my first Testament experience.

Chill, Dirt. Macabre was very reasonable, and I doubt you're impressing a band that supported Rob Halford by calling one of their fans "homo."

My first gig was Metallica on the first Summer Sanitarium tour in 2000...Christ, I feel like such a kid.

Death Angel rules, even though they don't play "Mind Rape." Oh well, not enough room. I missed their New Year's eve gig...grrrr. Well, they'll be back to Thrash City...and I am THERE.

This confirms my opinion that Nuclear Assault sucks.

Really good review. And now I'm out of random observations. Rock on.
Great Review!!! Man, I cannot wait to see this show when I am in Tilburg on the 21st!!

I have seen Steve with TESTAMENT a few times now, twice in the last several months (Phoenix & Vegas) and each time he has been spot on! No complaints. Even with the less than stellar sound at the Mason Jar in Phoenix he sounded great. Sounds like Macabre might have caught him on a bad night (maybe a bad night for Macabre and Steve both). Can't say more seeing as I wasn't there. We all know how where you are standing in a club has a big effect on how a band can sound. And first shows on tours are always tough no matter how much you rehearse.

I'll be looking forward to meeting the band in Tilburg!

I liked to see that DEATH ANGEL put on an amazing set. I have not seen them since they reformed, so it has been many a year since I have seen them live! All the reviews I've read of their shows since they reformed have been just stellar. I am really looking forward to it.
Thanks for the review! I'll post one for the June 1st show in Portland!

Now for Steve....

I've seen Testament with Alex, James and Steve...I loved Testament with Alex and he's still one of my favorite guitar players, James I don't really remember live (was still bummed about Alex leaving and didn't pay much attention to him) this doesn't mean he was bad....I saw Steve with Testament last December and I have to say...I'm over the whole Alex thing and I thought Steve was killer! He absolutely shreds live! I actually think this Testament line up is my favorite so far..everyone seems to click really well...aside from the fill in drummer syndrome...I got to see them with John Tempesta in December and he really seems to fit in great with them. I've never seen them with Jon Allen live..but I've seen live bootlegs with him and he looks like he hits really hard and fast! I have an idea!! Pick up RICHARD CHRISTY!! That would rock!!

ANYWAY...back to the subject..I was really impressed with Steve playing lead in Testament..he changed my Alex bias...I'm glad he's in my favorite thrash band, he's a great addition!
MindInsane said:
.I saw Steve with Testament last December and I have to say... I thought Steve was killer! He absolutely shreds live! \

I've seen Smyth play about 5 or 6 times since he joined Testament...maybe more. I've seen him play better than Skolnick at times and sloppier than shit at others. Most of the time when he's played sloppy it was because of some tech problems or having a bad night. The dude can shred. There's no doubt about it. Just for the record, I've seen both Murphy and Skolnick have really sloppy nights. Sloppier than Smyth. Don't get me wrong though, Alex Skolnick is the king but Smyth is no slouch. Catch him on a good night and get back to me.

Thanks for posting that review. Too bad about Nuclear Assault. I think Connelly was having an off night as well. Seen them when they just played SF and they absolutely crushed. It was like seeing them play in the 80s. Tight as fuck!

Back to Testament.

I can forgive a few fuck ups and sloppiness at the begining of the tour. It's a given by any band....well except for DEATH ANGEL. That band is ready to play in their sleep. What I find disappointing the most about this review is Testament's set list.



Come on!!! PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH!!! Play those songs!!!
excellent review :hotjump:

Though we only got there when marduk came on, and well I helped prop up the bar after there first song.

I only wish I had got to meet some of you guys, I said this before, but I am sure I seen Mark............. Not sure if you seen me though....... Chick, Tall, Red hair, All in black, quite difficult not to have seen me cos I had big shoes on which made me about 6'3!!!!!:ill:

Anyways, I took loads of pics n stuff, not sure if they will be of the good or not though, as I was a little under the influence!! If I have good ones I will post them hereo_O
i also felt that steve's leads weren't spot on or very tight, but i was there and i've gotta admit, that nuclear assault ruined the sounds for testament after, the mix was terrible.
i was so fucking chuffed when testament came on and blew nuclear 'insult' off the stage!!

hey steve, you were playing one of your fucking excellent solos, and in the middle, you dropped your plectrum, and i got the security dude to grab it for me...
sorry dude, hehe :D

that gig was so fucking awesome dude,
dude, Angel of Death had the best performance and mix out of all the other bands - totally full of energy and fucking awesome.
However, i thought Pro-Pain were fuckin amazing too mainly because i hadn't heard them before - so that was complete suprise for me. \,,/
i also thought darkane had a great set, and i really enjoyed it.
The two bands that i didn't particularly enjoy were Marduk an Nuclear Assault...
but i'm willing to give the Assault another chance...
hehe :d
I apologise to Steve if i caused any offence and i myself have experience of live sound problems and i totally appreciate that these can cause all kinds of mistakes and cockups. I should have brought it up to your face but was a little overwhelmed by the situation - meeting the guys from your favourite band is not an everyday occurence.

I'll definitely be back to see you again when you are back in the uk later this year. Hopefully when i see you next the ever complicated technical issues will be sorted.

I'm sure you'd totally kick my ass in a lead guitar competiton, it's just a bummer to see your favourite band not sounding quite up to the standard that you know they are capable of. Espsecially if it is no fault of the band themselves.

One more thing, maybe panning the guitars hard live is not the best idea because people on the other side can't hear the leads as well? Just an idea and i did notice that eric made his share of mistakes so it's not just you, i only watched from your side for about the first three songs so maybe you were just warming up and your solos were pretty inaudible from both sides, the fault of the sound techs i'm sure.

I'm sure you'll enjoy proving me wrong about your guitar skills next time around and shoving my foot firmly in my mouth :D
Max, it was Asgeir Mickelson of Borknagar standing in on drums as Jon Allen couldn't make the tour due to family problems (- hope everything's OK).

I though he did a great job considering and sure he'll get tighter as the tour progresses. I noticed Erik kept getting up on the drum riser to give him queues and I thought it added to the fun atmosphere when, on I think Burnt Offerings, he carried on playing the fast bit and Chuck laughed and said "Hey, Asgeir won't stop!".

Keep up the good work Asgeir!
it was so surreal seeing the band in real life!!
i was so fucking happy , and those songs went so fast, i couldn't beleive it!! :D
I spose time flies when your having fun.... \,,/.
who me?
I was the dude with the black clash of the titans tour t-shirt on... i have long, brown hair - down to past my shoulders
i was constantly head banging throughout the show and i was right at the front, in the middle...
kupshi said:
Great Review!!! Man, I cannot wait to see this show when I am in Tilburg on the 21st!!
I'll be at the show in Tilburg as well :)

Just enjoyed their show in Essen / Germany, but I'm too short on time for a review as I'm packing my stuff for my trip to Norway (Inferno festival).
But Testament Legions has posted some pics of the show, enjoy. :)

Thanks TL :)
Macabre_Transmigrant said:
- Rhythm - sloppy and loose no signs of the tight palm muting that is a basic requirement of a metal guitarist, especially in Testament with Peterson's tight riffs.

ruining those great testament leads we all know and love.

Now i don't know if he was having an off-ay but i was hugely disappointed by what i saw and i did not see that he was of the calibre that a band like Testament deserves.

He is a very nice guy and was very friendly to me backstage and this is not a personal attack on him, - i felt that Smyth seriously took away from the tightness of Testament's performance and i urge them to do something about it. Sorry to his fans.
The more I read your post the more I think it's really shitty of you to say such things. IN HERE of all places!!?? You urge Testament to do something about it? Jesus man, it was the first friggin night of the tour...with a drummer that's filling in...things aren't gonna be perfect right off the bat. I find it REALLY hard to believe that Steve was as bad as you made it sound...AND if it's not personal then I don't know what it is..saying he "ruined" the leads...he's not the "calibre" of guitarist they usually have...he wasn't doing the "basic requirements" of a guitarist?? I think you could have said he seemed sloppy and left it at that...that's good constructive criticism...the elaborating you did definitely crossed the line from constructive to personal...