-----------------> no metallica news/talk please

Metallica, Lars Ulrich, Kirk Hammett, James Hetfield, St. Anger, all suck, blows goats. So there.
rebirth said:
There history...

Nice one you illiterate horse's dick. "They're history". And shut the fuck up about Metallica, where the fuck do you think you're perfect little Linkin Park would be today if it weren't for 'Kill 'em All', or 'Ride the Lightning' or...

Go fuck your own arse and leave Metallica alone. I reckon they've got balls still being in the game at their age and with the amount of time they've been in the scene.

Kill yourself please.
By the way, that was me that posted the above. I'm back motherfuckers. Not that many of you will remember me.

To all the fuckers out there that are willing to support Metallica - THE GREATEST FUCKING BAND EVER IN METAL - in their latest pursuit fucken HELL YEAH :headbang:. If it sucks cock then at least they tried. I just don't see how all you cunts out there that think you are the reincarnation of metal in person continually bag these guys. How many albums have you put out? How many songs have you written? How many hours have you spent on a tour bus? The truth is you have no fucken idea what its like being in such a well-known band (and neither do I for that matter, but I'm hypothesising).

Eat a dick faggots.
PiNkMaGGiT said:
If it sucks cock then at least they tried. I just don't see how all you cunts out there that think you are the reincarnation of metal in person continually bag these guys. How many albums have you put out? How many songs have you written? How many hours have you spent on a tour bus? The truth is you have no fucken idea what its like being in such a well-known band (and neither do I for that matter, but I'm hypothesising).

Eat a dick faggots.

If it sucks I will not buy it just like the last there or four albums. What do you mean they tried?? They aren't trying to to do nothing but sell albums. the great well known band (as you put it) is using that fact to change there style. more to them if they want to change, but i'm not going to listen to them play 2x4 just because they are metallica.

"How many albums have you put out? How many songs have you written? How many hours have you spent on a tour bus?"

What does this have to do with the price of rice in china?
Nothing, just like your above statment had to do with what you said.
TheSinMakesYouReal said:
If it sucks I will not buy it just like the last there or four albums. What do you mean they tried?? They aren't trying to to do nothing but sell albums. the great well known band (as you put it) is using that fact to change there style. more to them if they want to change, but i'm not going to listen to them play 2x4 just because they are metallica.

"How many albums have you put out? How many songs have you written? How many hours have you spent on a tour bus?"

What does this have to do with the price of rice in china?
Nothing, just like your above statment had to do with what you said.

"'How many albums have you put out? How many songs have you written? How many hours have you spent on a tour bus?'", I said that because alot of people on this board seem to subscribe to the view that they themselves are demigods of metal and as such have some sort of right to bag Metallica for not playing what THEY want to hear. I think its funny that everybody says Metallica have "sold out", but wouldn't they also be "selling out" if they wrote music that the fans wanted to hear even though they as musicians had evolved, gotten older and wanted to experiment a little?

"If it sucks I will not buy it just like the last there or four albums." Neither will I. But that isn't really the point I'm getting at. What I'm trying to say is that so many people are bagging Metallica and the album they are about to put out before they've heard it. If everything I've read about it is true and not just PR hype, then this is going to be one motherfucking beast of a metal album, however unlikely that may seem at this point in time. Life is full of surprises. I'm all for such witty and intellectually fruitful comments such as "metalica is shitt and tha peeple in metalica are all gey and they hav fucks with eech uther," but I'm gravely concerned that people are actually getting dumber by reading some of the posts on this board.

Feel free to disagree with me on the subject of Metallica's music, but just think twice before you silly ones let fly with a mouth full of badly spelled abuse aimed at Metallica, hinting that you know the band members personally and have been a fly on the wall in their studio for the past year or so. The world will be a better place without it.
BTW, none of what I typed is aimed at TheSinMakesYouReal, you just happened to be the unlucky first one to reply. You're cool, I like the shit you say, its some of the other dicks on the board that I'm flaming.
Arguing over the internet is like winning a race in the special olympics...

...even if you win you're still fucking retarded.

So I've decided to not get into my Metallica rant.
wb maggot :) great to have another Metallica supporter here
You're all a bunch of losers. Get out of the house a little more. You're all ugly, lonely, and lost. Please speed up the process of death by killing yourselfs. And 495(Will), take a look in the mirror, you are one ugly chickenfucker. Do you have to strap a board to your ass when you screw that fat pig of yours????
Unregistered said:
Nice one you illiterate horse's dick. "They're history". And shut the fuck up about Metallica, where the fuck do you think you're perfect little Linkin Park would be today if it weren't for 'Kill 'em All', or 'Ride the Lightning' or...

Go fuck your own arse and leave Metallica alone. I reckon they've got balls still being in the game at their age and with the amount of time they've been in the scene.

Kill yourself please.

Okay Lars, that's enough out of you!!
James Hetfields Acne Scars said:
You're all a bunch of losers. Get out of the house a little more. You're all ugly, lonely, and lost. Please speed up the process of death by killing yourselfs. And 495(Will), take a look in the mirror, you are one ugly chickenfucker. Do you have to strap a board to your ass when you screw that fat pig of yours????

first off, cockhead... you dont know me, nor do you know megan... nor do you know ANYONE from this board, other than your imbred, down symdrome-stricken, sister-fucking self. why dont you sign in under your real board name like a man, and confront me with who you really are. or, contact me at:
AIM: WillBozarthGCIT
MSN: solosanity2002@hotmail.com
the immaturity which has radiated out of your fingertips probably makes you wonder why you are so lonely and friendless. get a life, fuck off, and while you are on your knees crawling back to reality, feel free to suck my dick

-Will Bozarth, 15 years old... yet more mature than you