No more SoCal, but now North Carolina! READ THIS HAHAHA!


Photo Mistress
Holy crap! Anyone in here from North Carolina and going to the gig at Ziggy's? I was able to buy a damned cheap airplane ticket and was planning to go there to see the Metal Gods tour on May 15th. I was having to give up my trip to Southern California for Opeth to go to that gig. WELL, my friend who lives in NC told me to try to fly in earlier on Wednesday since OPETH, LACUNA COIL AND BEYOND THE EMBRACE play there THAT day! I couldn't believe it. BUT I was already scheduled to work that day and it is the WORST time to try and take time off. We are doing installations at all 84 stores and we have to have them done by June 26th and there are only seven people in my department (only two people can be on the road for installs at a time). BUT I asked my boss and he GAVE ME THE DAY OFF! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! THEN the payments to my credit card posted on Tuesday, so I was able to buy the plane ticket. On top of THAT, since I won't go to Opeth this weekend, there is a concert called the Bone Bash #4. The Bone is the local (HUGE) radio station here. The bands playing are Sammy Hagar with Michael Anthony, Y & T, El Tri, Creedence Clearwater Revisted (only missing one original band member) and the Gregg Rolie band. Well, needless to say, I can't afford to go. BUT my friend calls me yesterday saying he has a FREE TICKET for me! WEEEEEEEEEEEEE! And if THAT isn't enough, Meshuggah and Strapping Young Lad was last night. I knew for SURE I couldn't afford that but my friend Ramon went and bought me a ticket so I wouldn't miss it. THEN I called the club to find SYL's tour manager so I could do photo, and MESHUGGAH'S tour manager called me back and gave me one! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Fucking shit, I'm doing well this week. :D

SO, who will be at Ziggy's? I don't know if anyone here is actually IN North Carolina or not, never really paid attention to that. HAHAHA
It...was... OUCH! That's what I would say. SYL played friggin awesome as usual and won quite a few new fans. They played about 50 minutes. Meshuggah, for what I was able to personally see, was awesome as well. Fucking LOUD. lol

I TOTALLY couldn't breathe because I was getting smashed against the barricade so bad. My major problem was the fact that the barricade went to the top of my rib cage. If it had been just a bit higher or a little bit lower, I probably coulda sweat it out. During SYL, I went on the left side mostly, behind two guys. Then for the last 1/3 of SYL, I was able to make my way to front middle. I shot off 2 rolls of film of SYL and know I got some DAMN FUCKING good pics! Was able to shoot 18 pics of Meshuggah. I had to have my friends Jason and Katie go get my car and help me get up the stairs from the downstairs (where I checked in my sweatshirt). We had to shove people out of my way so I could hobble out of the club. Damned, it was packed and hot. I almost couldn't get out of the front, either. Took me three tries. I re-sprained my ankle. Argh. It's my RIBS and arm that hurt most! The very, very top of my rib cage (under the left, um, hmmm, um, breast?) is bruised pretty good. The rest of my rib cage is sore. But if I barely poke that spot, it fucking hurts! And the underwire in my bra keeps hitting it. Talk about ouch! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. And my right arm is what I had to push off the barricade with most and lean on, so it has a HUGE bruise that hasn't shown up yet. Argh. Fuckers. I TOTALLY couldn't breathe because I was getting smashed against the barricade so bad. Stupid people. But I called their manager again just now to see if I can go to tonight's show since this show has a nice-sized photo pit and maybe I won't get so killed. Wish me luck.