Most band names are either silly, profane, generic or a catch phrase of words..Ever heard of the grind core band Anal Cunt? There is another gore grind band called Prosthetic Cunt, another grind band Anal Blast..
Those are names that are meant to provoke a reaction.. Beyond the Embrace? Tame in comparison..I'm just doing Opeth's fans a service by posting the support bands on the bb so you'll know who's playing before you buy your tickets..
If you guys, are so immature and filled with either Opeth flaming or hopeless Opeth fanboy/girl sentiments that everything, including a bands(from Mass. USA never the less,faaar from Sweden) name HAS to be compared to that of almighty Opeth..As some of you can't see beyond comparisons to Opeth, beacause everything revolves around Opeth..Get a life.. Maybe a band choose a name beacuse it was a nice poetic catchphrase..Do you guys compare everything to Opeth, apples and oranges?