Noise and hearing loss


Pro Evolution Fucker
Apr 18, 2006
Basque Country
I work as salesman of instruments for measuring everything related to health and safety.
Some weeks ago I took a measure of noise with a soundmeter in the rehearsal room.

The instruments played were drums, 2 amp heads and 4x12 cabs for each, bass amp.
No vocals that day.

This is what got registered in 1 hour.

Laeq: 107,5 db (this is the average)
LCPeak: 135,2 db (this is the peak)
Lepd: 98,1 db (this is the diary level, hard to explain in a thread, in some countries is called TWA)
Dose: 6.530,2 % (limit of the dose is 100%, this dose was reached within only 1 hour of measure)
Projected Dose: 55.621,4% (this is the theorical dose for 8 hours at this level)

87 db is the highest limit in spanish legislation and most European countries (some are 85db) for jobs and workspaces. So, this is unacceptable and it is highly recommended to use earplugs to prevent hearing loss.

I use 3M reusable protectors that can attenuate up to 25db, even with this it is harmful to rehearse everyday for some hours.

Every year I do audiometries to check my hearing and fortunately I am ok but some musician friends have 30% of hearing loss for not taking care of their ears. I know many people in this forum spends thounsand of hours rehearsing, playing live, in studio… so that is why I considered a good idea to post this thread.

If you want to simulate a hearing loss, listen to the audio clip in this site. Amazing.

Another important thing to know is that hearing never recovers or improve.

So, watch out, beware of the noise, beware of Manowar shows in first row, use plugs, be happy, fuck as much as you can and never trust a nun.
I wonder how much damage can be done by constant mixing and listening to music through headphones....

at night, i have this sound in my ears that really cuts through the silence.. it's like a high pitched whistling sound, and i really can't sleep without a fan next to me.

Hello tinnitus? :ill:
If you can't sleep after a show or rehearsal due to the ringing in your ears thats a clue you should start using some ear protection.
If you get good ones, they'll only turn everything down without a muffled high end.
I was at a show this week and had my earplugs ($1 Planet Waves ones) in and I was kind of annoyed I couldn't hear the guitars, but hey I slept fine after, without it can be a few days before the ringing stops.
So, watch out, beware of the noise, beware of Manowar shows in first row, use plugs, be happy, fuck as much as you can and never trust a nun.

Great line.

And yes, I used to not wear earplugs at shows and am now kicking myself in the ass.

Bewar of those fricken iPod earruiner headbugs. Those things will DESTROY your hearing because they let in outside noises which then causes you to turn up your music.
My Recording Instructer once said:

"Your hearing receptors are like weeds or blades of grass standing up. Any time an extreme volume passes through it knocks them over like mowing a lawn and they will never stand back up again.

And when you hear a loud noise such as a gun fire and it causes a high pitch ringing/continuous beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep tone in your ears, you just lost the ability to hear that particular frequency."

Also recommended the Etymotic ER-20 Earplugs for the protection and the fact that they are fairly Flat in frequency response.

I have Tinnitus and it's a horrible thing. Most of the time I can't notice it very much, except in complete silence. It's also worse when you are sick and have a head cold (congestion), which I've had for the past week. It doesn't take much to do the damage either. Maybe a handful of concerts I attended without plugs.

I got a custom set of earplugs made from Etymotic. They have little attenuator buttons that attenuate up to certain decibels. They are tuned to sound as natural as possible. Never leave home without em!

I suffer from it as well, have had it since early 90's. Standing too close to amps, etc. You are right about needing a noise distraction at night--the ringing will drive you insane. I wear protection now--wish I did then
I have tinnitus, but i have to say that it doesnt really work well playing with regular earplugs, because it distorts the sound and you cant really hear whats going on.
And i have bought all of the expensive kinds to get as a minor distortion as possible, but it only works to a certain degree.
In rehearsals you can usualy put the amps in certain angles etc. to make the worst frequencies abit duller and atleast make it a better enviroment for your ears(Not saying it will be good.).
Although what i could recomend is using them at each concert you are watching/playing at, because there its not really as important to be able to focus on the minor details as in the rehearsals where you really need to hear everything to get it tight.

I have had the thought of using an In Ear system live, just to shut "outboard" sound out of the ears, dont know if it really works though.

Well, this with fun vs. protection is always a b*tch :lol:
I got some more expensive earplugs that are supposed to just make everything more quiet but it's cuts a lot of highs and I have some trouble hearing my amp sometimes. anyone can recommend some that are really working like that?
I got some more expensive earplugs that are supposed to just make everything more quiet but it's cuts a lot of highs and I have some trouble hearing my amp sometimes. anyone can recommend some that are really working like that?

Just like me.
I do belive those that are made from a casted from your ear should work this way.
Of course it will cut highs, but not as much as others.
3 years ago I got the custom fitted ones for 180€... actually twice, because I lost a pair after one year. :cry:

But they are worth it. I have the feeling the alpine ones don't attenuate enough in the rehearsal room (though I use the alpines when playing gigs, because the others tend to get loose during wild headbanging).

The bad thing about the custom fitted ones is that after a few years you need new ones because the shape of the inner ear changes over time. I'm at that point right now, but it is worth it for me. Makes rehearsals and concerts much more enjoyable, actually I can hear stuff BETTER with them. And it's great to go home and don't have that ringing in your ears.
I use Alpine Musicsafe Pro earplugs. They come with different inserts, which have different levels of attenuation, white, silver and gold. I'm not sure of the attenuation figured, but I just use gold all the time. The way they work is that the inserts have an opening, and the levels of attenuation are achhieved by the holes getting smaller. The good thing about having a hole in them is that high frequencies get through to your ears, rather than just the low frequencies of regular ear plugs.

They really are so good, and cheap, too. I no longer get ringing in my ears after rehearsals. I also wear them when I'm attending gigs, simply because they enable you to actually hear the band properly. They're comfy, AND you get a spare one, and everything sounds like you just turned the volume down. I highly recommend then