Noise gate question


New Metal Member
May 22, 2012
Minas Morgul
So I have a MXR noise clamp pedal which is suppose to actually start cutting the noise before the smart gate or ISP, and I've heard that the smart gate is faster than the ISP. My problem is I have the gate set to max yet there is still noise and its really bad when i'm not playing anything at all but I thought noise gates were suppose to make that go away? I did read that the noise clamp was made for fast riffing and not to gate the hiss from my amp and what not, so should I get another gate for that? Gain on my amp is maxed and I have my whole pedalboard going in front of the amp (as in not in the loop) in order is the noise clamp, chorus pedal, another chorus pedal, overdrive pedal (always on with gain about 8/9 o clock, level maxed, and tone maxed.), eq pedal (always on, boosting the mids a little bit, cutting the lowest bass slider a little and boosting the high end to max) and a delay pedal. Anything to help would be great.
put a gate in your FX loop, and use a noise supressor at the end of you pedalboard chain.

I run a Boss NS-2 at the end of my PB and a Rocktron Hush in the FX loop
Gain at the amp on max? There's your problem! (assuming it's a relatively high gain amp and not a lower gain one that you're having to push hard to get your desired distortion)

Using a noise gate as one of the first pedals in your chain helps to reduce feedback. To eliminate noise you need another gate in your fx loop to silence the noise coming from your amps gain stage.
My amp is not even close to the realm of peavey/mesa gain and stock is mud city :Puke:

I must be retarded because I completely forgot about the broken input on my guitar which is basically 95% of the noise :erk:

I do want to try the compressor-gate-od-gate thing that misha mansoor does though I don't know if I want to spend 250 on a keeley compressor, most say the MXR comps sound like donkey shit with a high gain amp but I don't know why.