Noise gates

A Dying Breed

Jun 6, 2004
My 5150 has an unholy amount of feedback, and I'm looking to invest in a pedal that'll cut down on that. I've heard that the Hush pedal is good for this, but I was just wondering what you guys would recommend. Thanks in advance.
The BOSS NS-2 is supposed to be pretty good as well and I think it's a little cheaper than the HUSH pedal.
I've got an EMG 81 and 85. The feedback is pretty ridiculous, anywhere past like 4 on the postgain setting. Of course the pregain is pretty fucking high too, so I figured it was natural. What kind of problems with the amp would cause that kind of problem?
How much gain are you running? You don't really need to crank a 5150 all the way to 10, it has all the gain you need around 7 IMO. Maybe try cutting down the gain a little. Also, does your amp have the stock tubes in it? The stock tubes in a 5150 are crap and need to be replaced and the head also needs to be rebiased in order to reach its full potential. You may know this already, sorry if I'm telling you shit you already know. :erk:
No dude, I don't even know what the fuck rebiasing means. I'd heard that the stock tubes suck but I was really hoping I could just deal, I'm a cheap bastard.
The Boss NS-2 is fucking amazing!!!!!

it totally kills feedback and does't touch your tone.

When the signal level falls below a certain level (i.e, when you're not playing) it automaticaly shuts off the circut between Guitar/AMp.. it doesn't alter anything in your tone. meaning you get 95% feedback reduction and NO loss of tone.

Buy this motherfucker
At first I though you could be using non wax potted pickups, but since you're using EMGs, pickup noise is not even an issue. My guess is that you have microphonic preamp tubes. Try changing them (preamp tubes are really cheap). While you're at it, have you amp biased properly, since it comes biased cold from the factory. Someone showed me a couple of clips of a 5150 right out of the factory and after being biased correctly, and the difference was huge. It gets nice and tight and loses that kind of fizzy sound.
it is natural for the 5150 to produce massive amounts of feedback. every single one that ive ever heard that isnt used with a noise suppressor, has tons of feedback.

the amps are just designed to push as much gain as possible, which causes tons of feedback.
Thanks for all the responses. I'll definitely look into switching up the tubes and getting the thing rebiased. I picked up a Hush pedal (before seeing all the raving about the Boss NS-2). It pretty much cleaned up the feedback, and it didn't fuck up my tone or anything, so I'm pretty happy with it. My only complaint is that it amplifes the hiss, but that was no big deal compared to the feedback anyway. Just thought I'd throw that out there to anybody that gives a shit.
Sex machine, I'm sure the thing puts out a lot of hiss and other forms of noise, but screaching feedback is not natural in any amp, unless you're using non wax potted pickups. Maybe other owners of 5150s can clear this up.
The only time I have ever had problems with screeching feedback (I have a 5150) is before I changed the stock pickups in my guitar. After I installed new pups the feedback went away. I still get normal feedback but not the harsh microphonic type.
I don't think the stock tubes sound that bad, and also don't necessarily believe they need biasing. If you choose to crank your gain way up (which sounds great for practice, but "fuzzes out" in band situations,) then some feedback can be expected even with actives. The Hush peadl is the industry standard, but I use a Digitech GNX4 and before that an old ART ECC and if set up correctly, I have been happy with both of those. I am not saying to go out ang get a $500 GNX4 for a noise gate, but rather if a multi-effect unit can give satisfactory results, a stomp-box noise gate will most likely provide even better results. I think knowing how to sett up your noise gate for your particular gain level etc. is the key.
