Noise when sliding the strings,sample incuded

What do you mean by the expander?
(by the way, sorry for my bad english)

Expander is a processor that kinda does the opposite of a compressor. It maintains the level of the signal that is above the threshold, and lowers the quieter parts that go below the threshold. It was often used to remove unwanted tape noise.

However, the most important factor here is the playing technique. It's always better to avoid causing unwanted effects on a signal than trying to remove them afterwards.
Yeah it's a technique issue by the sounds of it... Try not dragging your fingers on the strings when you change chords, either hold the whole chord as you slide up or down or lift your fingers entirely off the fretboard when switching.
thx for the tip forbidden,i will try to play it again.
But i never had this issue before(not so much)
Maybe the soloc amp is to sensitive?Or my dean angel of death is?
I might be too tired to think straight, but that would just cancel out the signal completely, which would equal to just deleting/muting the slide.

I guess he was talking about duplicating the slides and inverting the phase, but that would be same as deleting the slides without duplicating them and going through all the hassle. So yeh...
just try and take your hands off the strings as you move. If you have problems of open strings ringing when you do that, try muting with your picking hand as you move.
The best solution is just to practice practice practice changing making as little noise as possible
I get string noise sometimes when recording acoustic guitars. After compression the noise is usually too noticeable. If I can't get it right no matter what, I soak my fingers on hot water to soften them. No more string noise :) I have used this on few parts on the electric guitar also.
Another thing to try is Fast Fret. It basically lubricates your strings and reduces finger noise. Generally, though, the little squorps don't really bother me too much. I see it as being sort of part and parcel to distorted guitar playing, and it can add a cool vibe sometimes.
I changed string brand and never really had the problem again... Or maybe I just got better at playing.... Who knows.....