Trouble with Tone. Can you help?

Hey this is what I finally got. Any suggestions help on how to best process it further will be appreciated. However I'll post a clip when the other instruments have been finished recorded as well and I've got a mix going. My bands complaint with this was it was sounding too dry. I on the other hand have no opinion since my head is fried from so much recording I'll be more sorted once I get down to the mixing stage.

With some terrible drums: Tone Sample With Drums.mp3
Without drums: Tone Sample Only Guitars.mp3

I'll wade in here

The with drums clip sounds fine to me. I think you are on the right "track" (pun intended) :lol:

Anyway what I mean is this is a usable tone for a mix. I would suggest finishing it with this sound. At least it can be shaped later when all the instruments are complete.

You have been a real champ listening to the advice given and the sound improved a lot as a result. Unlike some boneheads that ask for help and refuse to listen or try suggestions.

In my opinion the mastered clips you posted later sound a little muffled :Smokedev:
lol seems like your having more luck then i am

i would lower the mids and up the higher freq. just by a bit but not on an eq. on the amp

but yea it sounds good man
just try what i suggested if your interested
and your rockin:rock:

what you putting those mic/s thru ?
^^^ Am done with all the recording so can't do anything on the Amp now so I will give it a shot :)

I recorded these gutiar tracks using my Laney VH100R with a POD X3 in front for gate,comp, eq and stomp.
I used 1 SM58 with cap off and 1 SN609 both mics were connected to the TC Electronic Konnekt 8 interface which has Impact Preamps I think and thats how I recorded it :)
No that I could do any better at all man, but to my ears through some little harman/kardon's the snare sounds very boxy. Actually the whole kit sounds surreal to me. I think it's needs some verb bad. A nice plate reverb would probably help. GClip the snare if you haven't. Maybe an exciter as a buss to add a little sparkle to the whole kit? Also try a different meatier kick sample if possible.

I think the guitars sound great especially considering what you started with!

It also seemed that in master 5 the synths breathed a bit more.
^^^ I think that should be fixed soon actually because in the later mixes I've actually killed a lot of the room mic because it was making the hi hat sound wierd and i had exported my kit with bleed in the snare top which I need to re do but I will try the gclip on the snare.

I actually got a hall verb on the toms and snare. But will try and plate instead. Will also see if I can get a better kick sample.