Trouble with Tone. Can you help?

That first clip of the last set still sounds a tad too hollow and distant for my liking
Strange, v30's n all :S
Yeah I don't want to knock you dude, but that tone just ain't gonna work.... It sounds like you have a wall in between the mic and speaker. Care to take a pic of your mic position?
^^^ the problem is if I turn the cab around I will go deaf :P

But let me pull it back a bit, remove the mattress and go for it once more :)

Yeah I had the same sound when recording in an isobooth I built, it was just bouncing the sound waves all over the place so I ditched it.
I think this is most likely the reason, I circled the speaker:


I will re-quote myself:

take off the pod, turn the amp louder, try to get a good tone from it by itself and mic the center of the speaker. Don't worry about the noise
Oh wait can you also listen to these 2 clips?? And technically shouldn't the mattress adsorb sound? The wall behind it is also soundproofed.

Maybe a little is absorbed, but some will pass through, but even more will bounce right back at the speaker, especially with it being that close. And you are still going to get sound bouncing off that back wall even with the mattress there.

As for the clips, it still sounds the same just a bit quieter than the other ones.
@Wolfeman - Using a set of Sennheiser HD280headphones while tracking. I have a set of tapco monitors in my other room where I check stuff.

@Ahjteam - I'm going to go do that right now and bring samples in 15minutes. :)

Yes for sure move the mic...

I'm wondering if your monitoring is messing with your ears.... Maybe what we are hearing on our monitors isn't what you are hearing. I'm listening on NS-10's, and I hear no presence or treble in your clips.... It should be pretty prominent on my monitors. Maybe your headphones are treble heavy and you are compensating.

If you want it to sound more agressive, I think it should sound something more closer to this: (I put your tone at the end just for comparison)


Nothing special there in the tweaking. Just some filtering and heavy hand EQ, only cuts. Highpass at 100hz and lowpass at 10khz, low shelf drop at 300hz and some surgical cuts for the awful sounding spikes and multiband compression to tame the low end. But in the end all this information is useless if you don't know yourself how and why to do this.

But when you add a bass guitar and drums it will sound good.
@ahjteam - I think what I just posted is more towards your worked on file.

@Wolfeman - Yeah my headphones and monitors sound VASTLY different from each other. Actually I never used to use headphones but I've had to start now because of such activity.