Trouble with Tone. Can you help?

^^^ so I should be good to go now? :p

But seriously thanks a ton for all the advice and help.

I think with a little EQ work it will be fine. It will be much easier to work with like that then how it was. Try low passing it a bit too, kinda bass heavy.
^^ Yeah I will do that as well..

@Ahj - Thanks. And I understand how and why to do what you mentioned above. :) Just that I wanted to get the raw sound as good as I can so that I have to do less surgery later. And since this is my 1st miked amp recording I was quite unsure of myself. Anyway feeling better now and I think I can start recording.
^^ Yeah I will do that as well..

@Ahj - Thanks. And I understand how and why to do what you mentioned above. :) Just that I wanted to get the raw sound as good as I can so that I have to do less surgery later. And since this is my 1st miked amp recording I was quite unsure of myself. Anyway feeling better now and I think I can start recording.

that clip was a lot better because the sound was already a lot healthier so it was also easier to process, just a 2dB drop on the lowshelf and a 2dB band drop at 500hz and the highpass and lowpass filters and the same lowend compression made wonders to it:
Hey this is what I finally got. Any suggestions help on how to best process it further will be appreciated. However I'll post a clip when the other instruments have been finished recorded as well and I've got a mix going. My bands complaint with this was it was sounding too dry. I on the other hand have no opinion since my head is fried from so much recording I'll be more sorted once I get down to the mixing stage.

With some terrible drums: Tone Sample With Drums.mp3
Without drums: Tone Sample Only Guitars.mp3
well the drums suck - i know your after your guitar tone at the moment but fixing up the kit would really bring some dynamics into the whole thing - you need some dam reverb on that kit!

anywho i think the guitar needs more - its just not aggressive enough. i'd beef up the bass slightly, kick up the gain a tiny but and bring up the mids a little.

i think it could also do with a tiny bit of saturation. what i normally do now for my high gain stuff is i throw either a phaser on a slow sweep pre amp (before the amp input) or a flanger (same slow sweep etc) and keep it down in the mix - i sit mine around 25-28 in the mix level - after that i throw some reverb onto the guitar (more then you have) with no pre delay and a longish post delay and send it to the mix at around 30-35% - this should give you a nice up front raw saturated tone but in the quick quiet parts the big reverb will help to fill out the frequencies - im saying that because your tone to me sounds very kinda... dry and empty - its certainly an improvement what you've done though

have you taken a di of the guitars? try doing some more reamping through some software this time and blend the two - if you dont have amplitube or revalver or anything like that to get a nice tube tone post up the di's and i'll run them through a few of my presets that i use - maybe you'll like them maybe you wont. meh

and 1 more thing - how many channels did you record? just 1 left 1 right? if yes then pull in the tones into your DAW and drop there pitch by a few cents (not entire steps) to give it a natural tiny out of key tone (to make it sound like there are more guitars then there actually is) - then re-amp accordingly and it will again fill up your tone massively

thats what i do - call me an idiot if you want! :p
@Mick - Thats just a mixdown from Superior with a PSP Vintage warmer on it.

The guitars are already tracked. Only mic'd signal available did not take any DI output. Got 2 tracks left and 2 tracks right. So what I have no is what I have I can't add anything from the amp side. All I can do is process it the right way.

So taking that into consideration you have any ideas? I've never put reverb on a guitar tracks so is that something I should consider doing?
okay i see - well you could try this then...maybe - you have 2 left tracks and 2 right tracks - are the 2 left tracks identical to each other? and the 2 right tracks identical? or are they different in any way?

if 1 of them produces a kind of "backing" feel you could use 1 left, 1 right and use 1 centre (with with a really ballsy completely different tone) and forget about the 4th tone. this will help to fill in the centre of the mix - then duplicate the 1st and 2nd track (which you have panned) and drop there pitch very very slightly to make them sound like you have even more guitars - again it will fill up the spectrum with more frequencies and tone thus filling out your tone

and certainly do add reverb - i always do - a nice hall reverb with the pre delay turned off and the post delay turned up and mix it in around 30-35% in with your tone - it will again fill out the frequencies and empty spaces.

i suggest you check out lamb of gods sacrament album (the producers edition) or the wrath album (producers edition) they have the individual tones on the cd's so you can hear eg: drums only, vocals only, guitars only - you really learn a lot from just listening to what those professional engineers done in the mix. much better to analyze then listening to a fully mixed down song
umm.. watch out though, the sacrament version is kinda premixed or at least has effects on it iirc.. hows the wrath edition?
No offense ahj but these eq'd clips you're posting up sound like shit, holy fuck man :|

But yeah if you low-pass a bit and get a really beefy bass tone in there, like a really monolithically beefy bass tone in there, the "witout drums" guitar tone clip will sound fucking epic.
^^^ I'll post some clips once I get started mixing. I recorded the bass and I think its sounding pretty good. I used a TC RH450 Amp head and Cabinet and took 1 DI out and 1 SM57 mic'd out and using a combination of both signals.

Right now stuck recording keyboard parts which take forever because I get the keyboardist to layer a lot of parts.
Okay gentlemen I have some stuff. I'm still not '100% satisfied'. So any suggestions/help would be appreciated.

Just Guitars Just Guitar.mp3

Guitars in Mix Trial Mix2.mp3

Guitars in Mastered Mix Trial MixMastered2.mp3

These are obviously not final mixes or anything its a 1st draft if anything at all. But yes even advice on the mix etc would be appreciated.
