

oh okay.
Apr 13, 2010
Who else actually loves and appreciates harsh noise? I've been listening to Fuck, The Retarded Girl a lot lately and i'm starting to really get into the genre.

Any recs for me? :loco:
I love noise as well! But I don't listen to very many different nosie artists, as I have no one to introduce me to new noise artists. My favorite by far is Boyd Rice. Can't seem to find any of his best songs on Youtube though.

I also listen to some noise-rock here and there, like AIDS Wolf. Much too hipstery but they still scorch the brain from time to time.

I wish I could get into more stuff but I can't seem to find any good noise forums. I've been using Pandora to find the noise that I do listen to.
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Thanks guys :D

And if y'all like noise in metal, everyone check out Stalaggh
Hey if you play those two together you have dual noise, would prolly be awesome in stereo....................

I should have got into recording this stuff when I was like 8 I'd be so friggin rich now, fast cars, wild woman, livin the life.... damn