Noisy Amp


Apr 30, 2009
London, UK
Hey guys, so I recently bought a 6505 and as you all know its a VERY noisy amp. I was wondering what people do about getting rid of all the hiss between playing chords and notes. Gating doesn't seem to work as the noise is not actually quieter than the guitar playing itself, what I've been doing so far is editing it all out which kind of works but is painstaking.

Would a noise suppressor be the answer here? Thanks in advance for any help!
Fix your guitar.

Seriously, my 5150 is only to noisy when a piece of shit guitar is plugged into it. Otherwise the hiss isn't enough for it to be a big deal IMO.

Also: I just cut out any dead noise, the guitarist usually makes some sort of goofy movement that makes an odd noise during passages where there is no guitar so just edit it out.
Thanks for the replies, unfortunately its not the guitar, it happens on every guitar... I've noticed its a fair amount quieter at different studios and having spoken to the techie at the studio where I do most sessions we believe its a grounding issue, which is where I use it 90% of the time! :(

So basically, with proper amp operation my usual gating/ editing should be enough. That sucks

Maybe an isolation transformer will do the job.
Get a power conditioner and buy one of these to make sure your outlets are properly grounded
