NOKTURNAL MORTUM - Mirovozzrenie


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
After one listen........

..............I LOVE IT!!!!

I'm not sure what the differences are between Weltanschauung and Mirovozzrenie, if any, but this version is great. This is not old school NM like Goat Horns or Lunar Poetry. Some of the songs even sound, dare I say, happy, with all the folk instruments going. At times it sounds like something from the Renaissance Festival and I'm loving it.

I'm not sure why people are bashing this album and Taste of Victory. Or why people are comparing this to Graveland. NM and Graveland sound nothing alike at all. One's folk black metal, the other is Pagan/Vking metal. Duurrrrrr....

Anyway, this rules. One's of my faves of the year so far.
I know I'm in the minority here, but I love the direction the band has taken. The folk instruments have taken a stronger position within their music, and I like that a lot.

It took me a while to warm up to Nechrist, but after intensely listening to it, the subtle folk pieces can be understood, and thus the album reveals itself. This new one takes those subtle folk pieces and makes them not-so-subtle.

Also, this album is HUGE. 74 minutes. Geez.
The only differences I've noticed are:

1) different language (obviously)
2) differing production on vocals (ties into #1)
3) alternate interdespersed folk & electronica tracks (which some versions are better on either album, so it doesn't really matter)
MajestikMøøse said:
Weltanschauung/Mirovozzrenie is more than just an album, it is an epic journey through sound.

Correct. "Weltanschauung" is NM's strongest effort, in my opinion. I liked your "Renaissance Festival" association, J, I think you hit the nail right on the head with that one. Especially the folky parts in "I Feel The Breath Of Ragnarok" simply oozes of national pride, joy and happiness.
Erik said:
I'll take terrible sadness or nature mysticism over nationalistic pride and joy any day, thankyouverymuch

You're so miserable nowadays :( You used to be a fun-loving, outgoing raggare from the deep woods of Åmål, now you're a gloomy, depressed, doom-loving something. Comments?
Erik said:
Dude, you should have seen me a couple of years back when all I did was listen to Abyssic Hate, Shining and Forgotten Tomb all day long... I'm comparatively happy, but happy music still doesn't really appeal.

Fair enough. Still, you should be pretty damn happy because

1) Your record collection kicks arse
2) You're in two pretty successful bands
3) You write ace music
4) You're going to Wacken with supar cool Mikke
5) Etc.

Of course, there might be other things to life than just headbanging to heavy fukken metal, but still.

I listen to moderately depressive music such as Burzum's "Key To The Gate", Abyssic Hate etc. once in a blue moon only, because it makes me terribly depressed, especially if I am depressed in the first place (which I am about once in a blue moon too, but yeah).
Well I have tons of naturistic mysticism running through the forst at night with a frostbitten ass music.

This is a nice change.
J. said:
fuck samples, just get it.

#1 for me so far this year.

Whoah! It's THAT good? I only ask because (a) you've heard the new Primordial, and (b) I've never seen it score higher than a 7/10 in the reviews I've read. That to me was quite concerning because I would give Taste of Victory a 9/10 (and indeed did).

That deathgasm site is fucken 'orrible. Are they reliable? Also, they don't even list the Russkie version.
It's that good for me, yes. If you liked Taste of Victory, then you'll love it, because, well, it shares a lot of the same songs, and just has a more epic and "fullfilling" feeling once it reaches its end.

I didn't pay attention to those negative reviews. Usually those are the same people that want the band to release Goat Horns Part Deux. ANd honestly, with the release of ToV, did anyone really believe the band was going to go old school NM?

RE: Deathgasm. Very reliable. I've ordered from them about 5 times now, and they always deliver within 5 working days. Yes, the new design is awful, not quite sure why they changed it, since the old design was superior.

Yes, they list Weltanschauung, but that's what I ordered and I got the Oriana Russian version, not the No Colours American version for $12 p/p. Email them about it. They are good with getting a response to you quickly.