Nokturnal Mortum - Voice Of Steel

MajestikMøøse;8764013 said:
Could be a Manowar album title tbh.

The Path Of Immortals
Hailed Be The Heroes
The Dance Of Fire And Steel
The New Era Of Swords
The Taste Of Victory
The Way Of Glory
Only listened once so far, while doing other stuff. Seems more evolved, in a progressive way. Other sources make Pink Floyd comparisons for some tracks, but I wouldn't know about that since I'm no Floydian.
It's atmospheric, epic and grand.
I'm just about halfway through the 3rd track and I have to say that I'm really liking what I hear so far.
this really is a stellar album. a shame that it was forgotten so quickly. seems everyone's (webzines, forums) more interested in negura and what they might bring.

if either negura album is better than this, well sir, we have something special.
yeah, it really seems people are tripping over each other to see who can deepthroat the furthest on negura. burzum at least got divided opinions. i never really saw many reviews for nokturnal mortum. SSMT gave a good review, but other than that, didnt see many