Non-Anthrax...New Down Album?


Mar 9, 2002
Did anyone manage to get the new Down album today? I tried Tower Records, HMV, Virgin and even Woolworths and no show by the sludgemeisters...Maybe it aint gettin released in the UK because our recent exports Garath (stutter rap) Gates and Travis
(what do you mean we didnt write the white album).................
Try the independant retailers. You'll be able to find them easier that way I guess. As for Woolies, are you mad?!! WHen your dealing with a place that's more than likely going to put Travis in place of Megadeth, I don't think Down's new album is likely to factor much.

Best thing to do is use Vshop's online shopping booths. If you have a Vshop anyway. I've bought a few bits and pieces from there and the price is reasonable.
Dudes, has good prices, i usually pay about $8 a cd, they got lots of sabbath, ozzy, anthrax, megadeth, first down album(second may be coming), some slayer albums, rage against the machine, hatebreed, lots of iron maiden, a few ramones discs, all the studio pantera albums(that im aware of), they have some iced earth, and they got some other good stuff to (decide, cannibal corpse, nile, other DM to) not all their albums but some of them, check it out, i love it, i bought megadeth-capitoal punishment two days ago for $5.58 total(thats including SH) if thats not a good deal then i dont know what is.
"Satan's Southern Rock Band" that is the best review I've heard thus far!!

And speaking of satan, a bunch of killer re-issues are out this week, I was checking 'em out yesterday at my buddies store Iron Maiden put out some killer multimedia re-issues of some classic albums and there is a killer remastering of Alice Coopers Welcom To My Nightmare.
just thought i'd let u guys know that the new down album kicks ass,its different than the first one but after a couple of listens it really grows on u,especially the slower songs.

ps the album has actually been leaked on audio for about three weeks now!!!
The problem with some online places is that they might not allow you to pay with foreign VISA's. I originally was gonna buy Kill Yourself the movie, from but they wouldn't accept it because it wasn't american. Although has willingly accepted it, which was cool :)

But what I have to say is that, I MUST stop spending more money on my credit card!!!
Originally posted by Mavican
The problem with some online places is that they might not allow you to pay with foreign VISA's. I originally was gonna buy Kill Yourself the movie, from but they wouldn't accept it because it wasn't american. Although has willingly accepted it, which was cool :)

Century Media have a UK site You can order from there.
Down II-
It's like Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin were born in America, did a lot of pot, and just decided to make balls-out music. This album is what everyone should be listening to. Beautiful shit.
Originally posted by fallout_boy613
Down II-
It's like Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin were born in America, did a lot of pot, and just decided to make balls-out music. This album is what everyone should be listening to. Beautiful shit.
Don't forget Skynyrd(on Stained glass cross)and Moody Blues(meets Zeppelin on Megiddo). I haven't felt this way about a side project since the first SOD album. It rules! Props to Anselmo for the great vocals. Music needed an album like this now with all the watered down shit that's out there.