Non-metal music stuffs (recommendations)

Failure_o_threads, didn't you know, Nerve's opinion is the law. :rolleyes: So quit ur bickering lol :P

Anyhow, Miyavi's acoustic album is badass. The rest of the stuff is sorta OK I guess.

Oh my god, why don't you just tattoo the words "GIGANTIC FAGGOT" on your forehead and be done with it already
That's just weak, you're pathetic.

I am? Maybe I will be, once you grow up and get a life. I don't see that happening soon as it is tho, if ever. Go read a book instead of lurking the interwebz, boy.
i don't think many will like this, but i love, i'm totally gay for Darren Hayes

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Aaaand the cinematography in this video is awesome, not to mention the song is b-e-a-utiful.

Yes I'm basically an indie-faggot/wannabe hipsterkitty.
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