Non-metal music stuffs (recommendations)

Failure_o_threads, didn't you know, Nerve's opinion is the law. :rolleyes: So quit ur bickering lol :p

Anyhow, Miyavi's acoustic album is badass. The rest of the stuff is sorta OK I guess.

Oh my god, why don't you just tattoo the words "GIGANTIC FAGGOT" on your forehead and be done with it already
Oh my god, why don't you just tattoo the words "GIGANTIC FAGGOT" on your forehead and be done with it already

Why would I want a tattoo like yours?
That's just weak, you're pathetic.

I am? Maybe I will be, once you grow up and get a life. I don't see that happening soon as it is tho, if ever. Go read a book instead of lurking the interwebz, boy.
i don't think many will like this, but i love, i'm totally gay for Darren Hayes

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Aaaand the cinematography in this video is awesome, not to mention the song is b-e-a-utiful.

Yes I'm basically an indie-faggot/wannabe hipsterkitty.
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