Non-metal now playing thread

Originally posted by Russell
Have you got the band's debut album? Personaly I prefer it to "Born Into Trouble As The Spraks Fly Upward." If you haven't it's definitely worth a try :)

Yeah, I have every CD apart from the Frankie Sparro stuff(which sucks in my opinion) on the constellation label. I thought "Born Into Trouble" was a million times better than "He Has Left Us Alone..", although I'd still rate both 10/10.

Have you tried Exhaust and Fly Pan Am? They are also part of constellation independent rock movement, and GY!BE side-projects which are well worth checking out(especially Exhaust..think drum'n'bass GY!BE's freaky) although it does get a bit samey..
I don't know but the Fly Pan Am track I've heard on the Constellation sample didn't quite sound as good as the GYBE or A Silver Mt. Zion. Exhaust were great though...

Aphrodisiac - Children, It Is I
Originally posted by Pancakes
I feel like punching you in the face, Furious.

(I'm listening to metal, right now, but I just posted to express my displeasure at Furious liking Creed.)

Actually, dick, I'm not the biggest Creed fan. I just happen to really like this one song. That first opening riff is bad ass.