Non-metal shame...


Doom as fvck
Jan 23, 2006
South England
...what bands - non-metal - would you listen to but not admit, or at least not like to admit, to anyone (Forum members, friends in real life, school/work colleagues etc.) you know for any reason?

'K, this is a bit of a silly topic, and maybe I'm the only one shallow enough to care, but hey. Give it a shot.

I being somewhat of a nerd and hanging around anime forums on occasion, will someti meslook into some j-pop. Which I find shameful, but I have at least found Tokyo Jihen and Shina Ringo, which I quite like. Probably helped by the fact that I can't understand what she's singing and thus I don't have to put up with awful lyrics (I'm awfully shallow too....<.<) ;) I just can't resist it when people upload their DVDs to YouTube:

Oh well, I was displaying Soilwork as one of my top bands in my sig from LastFM up until recently, what do I have to lose?
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I'm not ashamed of listening to any bands I like. Maybe the one exception is the one-hit wonder song "Goodbye Horses" by Q Lazzarus. Awesome song :p
I listen to a bit of most everything asides really pop like music and main stream RnB so. Fuck what people think.
Shiina Ringo doesn't really fit into JPop, unless you're listening to that crap she records with Utada Hikaru. But everything else she makes is kick ass, and usually different combinations of Rock, Jazz, Enka, and experimental stuff. Shiina kicks ass and I'm not afraid to admit I listen to her. I'm not really ashamed of anything else I listen to, since my friends are really open minded about music, and none of them are straight up metal heads. If I had to be ashamed of any of the music I listen to Parliament Funkadelic would probably top the list. But overall it doesn't really matter all that much to me.
You shouldnt be ashamed to admit liking Soilwork...they are badass.

Ill admit to liking Dave Matthews awhile back...a buddy of mine used to throw him on while drinking (alot) at his parties. His music was uplifting after a few beers and created a mellow mood.
Doesnt have the same feeling now when I hear him...