Non-metal songs you like

step aside from the way of a better man than youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
so you fall at his feet he's the one who betrays youuuuuuuuuuuuu
it's the servants devotion for the decayyyyyyyyyyy

thereeeeee are no flowers on your grave there are no chainnnnnnsssssssssssss
thereeeee i keep chanting for the forgotten nameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

oki, see ya soon :p

Feel the ground
the mourning soil
close your eyes and lay​
confront the passage of time
eternity which you cannot betray
barter away this haziness
down to earth this sparkling distress
thereafter you calling me hallowed
barter away this haziness
down to earth this sparkling distress
thereafter you calling me hallowed
sadness eclipsed
passing your heart
calling out the shadows from the dark
you still believe
that your life was empty
and now all that has gone
barter away this haziness
down to earth this sparkling distress
thereafter you calling me hallowed
barter away this haziness
down to earth this sparkling distress
thereafter you calling me hallowed
down to earth this sparkling distress
down to earth this sparkling distress

*got this one from a website* :p
i waaaaaalkkkkkkkk awayyyy nowww frommmmm you and your suuuuuunnnnnnnn it goes down froommm you as i waaaaalkkkkkkkkkkkk awayyyy nowwww from you and frooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmm from your sunnnnnnnnnnnnn
OMGYES!!!! i love Ethreal Solitude :D the guitars are so reggaeish :p

don't let the paaaaast wear you doooooown
let go of the life that haunts you toniiiiiight
don't let the siiiilenceee take the souuuuuund