noob just finished recording a metal record. sneak peek!


Jan 4, 2010
posted a while back during the process of producing/engineering this record in my garage for a local band. well it's done! and here's a completed track from the record complete with vocals and mastering for you all to be mean about. The bass tone has improved tenfold from last time, as well as the kick. amps were an orange rockerverb 100, with a block logo 5150 for the (VERY low-in-the-mix) quad tracks.

please please tell me what you think, and be honest!


added a +4db high shelf to the final master, really gives it clarity and brings the cymbals out a little better. This is the only mix I have ever done where I have been able to do this without it turning it to shit. anyway here it is! please critique:
hey! sounds really great to me!!!
and you're obviously no noob! at least your mix doesn't sound like one..

well, if you want some replies, your thread title shouldn't contain words like "noob".. ;)
just realized that these days..
dude that sounds fucking bad ass!
/me is impressed (seeing as your calling yourself a noob and you produced it in a garage ;).)
whats the bands myspace url.
i want to check them out, sounds sick!
Hey thanks guys! Really appreciate the kind comments.

Basically I am a 'noob'. I have some experience with metal, but only just recently got a protools rig and have been using it for a couple of months just geeking around. This band are friends of mine and I invited them to record preproduction for their new record with me in my garage so I could test out my (very basic) rig and get some experience. It ended up sounding ok so they decided to use it as the actual record which is awesome.

It is a 9 track record and I will post more as soon as I'm allowed. The bad is as hell retreats from Nashville, who just landed a tour with the devil wears prada in the summer. I will let you know as soon as I'm allowed to show you more songs.

Err yeah I guess so. I know little about it but they just signed with some big management company who are doing loads of stuff for them. they're all in with each other in that whole Christian metal/hardcore scene, so it makes sense to me that it wouldn't be impossible for a smaller band (who have a huge local following btw) to at least join a big tour such at TDWP for a leg or two. That said, I just made the record for them and deal with nothing else.
so i just recieved word that the band just got signed to facedown records, and the record (MY record!!!) is being released officially in may. this is the best thing to happen to anyone ever.