Noob mixes his band's album ITT


Guitar: vcc BritN, duende eq (got the ssl pack for free when i purchased my ssl alpha channel): high pass 85hz, boost at 160hz and 8.3khz, cuts at 209hz, 570hz and 2.7 khz (large q), waves c4 (similar to andy setting).

Vocals:vcc BritN, duende eq: high pass at 165hz, dip at 222hz and boost at 4.7khz, low pass to 10.6khz, cla vocal (best purchase for vocals), l1 limiter and slate vtm.

automated effects (delay, distortion, chorus etc)

drums all original except for helper sample under original snare track (cj sample)
anotherpaul, lil' note on your recent version:
  • Do you like your miced guitars tone? I preferred to re-cab them using amped DI-s.
  • Try to push bass backwards a bit.
  • You need more powerful snare: compression (but avoid complete removing the ADSR :D ), some reverb and parallel channel may be. You may also try cutting some snares fizz at about 5 kHz.
  • More toms. May be not so wide drums panning (now the toms are almost in corners of sound picture).
Although the most recent mix (10) sounds more hi fi I kinda prefer the previous mix a little better (4). The new one lacks a little bit of bottom end and although the separation of the elements yields a much more clear and perceived louder mix, I kinda liked how they meshed together before. Gave it kind of a more indie sound.
Great tune btw!
Niiice, dude! Did you sample replace the drums? Toms suddenly sound very good. And i would really like to know about the rhythm guitar processing.
BTW, did you intentionally drop the leads?

I think you've messed up the project and output file frequency settings. It sounds slower and lower in tone than it should.

Got a powerful low snare over there! Lead vocals became annoyingly nasal and have a nasty 1.5-2kHz peak.

Here's my yesterdays poop:
It has a limiter on the master buss just for the sake of loudness.
I think i've got even more separation by drastically EQing rhythm guitars, but i've lost some power of the mix that was there before as Charlie said. Still concerned about toms. I don't want to move them closer to the center and they have some cymbal bleed that does not allow to compress them any harder. I've boosted the lows on tom buss and on the drum buss, but it doesn't seem to make the toms more powerful. Any helpful tricks?
The new mix sounds great to me. Mix "10" sounded way too "metal" for your style imo.
I still think you can make it a little more powerful by rounding out the low end a little more. Why not try messing with the bass eq? Let some of those lower frequencies come out a little or maybe saturate it a little bit?
I'm sure if you compare it to some good recordings you'll figure it out. Listen to some Dredg, A Perfect Circle, Tool etc
Thanks! I was rendering another mix as i was reading your reply and that's exactly what i've tried to do - clarify the low end to make the bass more round and deep.
Actually we in a band are HUGE fans of Dredg, Tool and APC. But i'm in no way Terry Date or Andy Wallace haha.
Anyway, the bass fx chain already has a lot of plugins now, including console saturation, 4 EQs, 2 compressors, multiband compressor and a limiter. Part of the problem was that when the low A# was played the harmonics overpowered it and it came out more like C# or F. I notched out some of the offending frequencies and now it sounds way better to me. (also has master limiter on)
Also i took the lead vocals doubletrack which is panned to center and inserted a pseudostereo plugin and gave it a lift in the mix. Tweaked guitars a little more and pumped the room buss and drums parallel compression buss.
I think i'm starting to like the way it sounds now, so unless the band has some arguments about who has to be louder or any of you guys have any more remarks, i'm not going to have any more drastic changes and probably make a template to start with for the other songs.
If you think that i'm making a terrible mistake, feel free to yell it in my face before it's too late!
Niiice, dude! Did you sample replace the drums? Toms suddenly sound very good. And i would really like to know about the rhythm guitar processing.
BTW, did you intentionally drop the leads?

The drums are mostly natural with some samples.
Guitar eq:
FTL%20Guitar%20EQ.jpg (also has master limiter on)
Also i took the lead vocals doubletrack which is panned to center and inserted a pseudostereo plugin and gave it a lift in the mix.

nice mix paul! im not sure about the vocal fXs, they are a little distracting
You should make a mix "13"! haha
I think you overcompensated a little too much with the low end in mix 14. The bass is jumping out a little too much especially on certain specific notes. Granted it needed a little help compared to mix 12 but I think a very small change would've been sufficient. Unless you just overcompensated with the master chain? In any regards the increase in low end there is also kinda blurring the nice higher frequencies of the bass that allow it to cut through and be felt in the mix.
The toms are extremely distracting in mix 14! They sounded very disconnected from the rest of the kit.
I think finding a nice balance between mix 12 and mix 14 should yield the best result imo. I would just got back to mix 12 if I were you and make very small adjustments.

Btw are you guys also Further Seems Forever fans? The part at 2:24 reminded me of "Pride War" :)
Also thanks for keeping the other mixes uploaded. It makes it really cool for people to see progress and be able to reference mixes. A lot of times people remove previous mixes in edits making half of the posts in the thread kind of lose meaning and doesn't offer much insight or foster discussion.
@anotherpaul ohh yeaa ... i just realise it the song is slower .. hmmm will try to figure it out .. thanks for letting me know man