Noob mixes his band's album ITT

Returned some midrange back to guitars and lot of other little tweaks like small eq cuts and boosts to balance guitars and vocals. Most importantly, i thought that the intro riff that's repeated twice in the song sounded kind of weak, so i cross-copied rhythm guitar takes from both repetitions and panned them to the center. So there's your triple track.
Digging the new mix! I especially love the bass tone. It might be a hair loud though, at least during the start before the vocals come in. Seems to settle nicely as the song builds up and more guitars and vocals are added. Not sure if lowering a db or two would fix or automating.
I definitely think that first vocal line with the effect should be a little louder though. I'd make it's perceived loudness match the rest of the vocals especially since it's the first vocal line the listener hears. There may be some vocal clipping around 0:35 and subtle issues later. Are you using a de esser?
Also, is there anything you can do about the roll around 3:23? I think I hear a stick or something.

Keep me posted on the your release. I'm digging this. :headbang:
I dig it, pretty epic second half of the song--what's the name of your band?
Thanks, glad that you dig it! The band is called Another Mask, we have one old record made in 2009 and this song is from an upcoming full-length.

Thanks a lot, dude! It's Sandberg p-bass that was recorded into two tracks: one was straight into my Focusrite Saffire LE (no di box) and the other is miced guitar amp. And shitloads of processing.

here's the latest rendition:
ok, now i feel really stupid. all this time i've been trying to get the rhythm guitars sound right using both mics combined.
tonight i dropped the condenser mic and bypassed all the processing (tons of notch EQs carving the hiss and shiss) and OH MY GOD THE CLARITY!!!

here you go:
all this time i've been trying to get the rhythm guitars sound right using both mics combined.
tonight i dropped the condenser mic and bypassed all the processing (tons of notch EQs carving the hiss and shiss) and OH MY GOD THE CLARITY!!!

haha :lol:
The new mix sounds good. Definitely more organic sounding guitars which probably fits your style. Mix 22 is still good though. Although maybe less separated mixwise and less organic I like how things are glued together.
Can't go wrong with either imo.
Btw does your drummer have 2 hi-hats? I sometimes hear it panned to the right speaker and other times to the left. A little distracting but I guess if he has two and you're set on hard panning then not much to be done.
There is only one hi-hat for sure, panned about 50 or 60 to the right. Which actually sounds weak now by the way. Maybe you're mistaking a smaller crash or splash or even china for a hat. But it could also be some automation mistake (can't look right now, since i'm not at home). Could you be more specific time-wise?

Your mix is great, though the kick drum is a little too boomy for my taste.
Basically i have a highpass on everything so yeah, there's not much sub bass going on, but letting a little bit through could really help, thanks for the tip.

Still it sounds better than St.Anger.
There is only one hi-hat for sure, panned about 50 or 60 to the right. Which actually sounds weak now by the way. Maybe you're mistaking a smaller crash or splash or even china for a hat. But it could also be some automation mistake (can't look right now, since i'm not at home). Could you be more specific time-wise?

You could be right. At 1:46 it sounds like it switches to the left but it might be a different cymbal that has a hi-hatish sound.
Hey, everyone! Got another revision here:

@Charlie, it's definitely china at 1:46, but it just had no audible body and ended up sounding exactly like hi-hat. Hope it's more chinese in the new mix.

I tried to add more body to cymbals, cranked the lows on the OH track, reapproached the snare, making it more beefy, made some changes to bass guitar eq and set the release of the multiband compressor's lowest band to be a little longer to let the kick thump go first. Also slight eqing on rhythm guitars and overall volume tweaks.
It seems to me that the kick drum does not sit properly in the mix, do you have an opinion on that?