Norse mythology books


New Metal Member
Dec 23, 2007
I have been listening to Amon Amarth for about 4 years now but it took me this long to get intrested in the mythology behind it all. Can anyone recommend any good books to get started.
I wouldn't recommend you to start with the Edda. You should start with a modern book which describes the mythology more clearly. The Edda is good once you know enough about it.
I just got a book titled The Norse Myths: Introduced and retold by Kevin Crossley-Holland. I just received a copy as a Yule gift from a fellow kindred member, and from what I've managed to read so far, it seems pretty good.

also scored a copy of Futhark: A Handbook of Rune Magic by Edred Thorsson, and my G/F got a copy of The Poetic Edda by Carolyne Larrington, and Diana Paxson's Essential Asatru. All and all, a pretty good haul for Yule. :rock: