Northern Illinois University

The causes of the problems need to be addressed, not movies or music or guns, it takes a person to use any device to kill.

Indeed, listen to Alice Cooper 'Wicked Young Man' lyrics, I believe the Coop nailed pretty good.

On the other hand as I was discussing with a friend the human being is prone for violence, more homo bellicus than homo sapiens. And frankly you can kill a person with a stone, I guess nobody is going to ban quarries?

NP: Ayreon - 'Comatose'
Guns have but one purpose.

I disagree I see guns as a sport (target shooting), but i have to agree with you that sadly their primary intention is to do harm. Again they can't do it by themselves you need a human pulling the trigger.

So the point is we have to educate the human or ban all the guns? Which led us to it is possible to take the killing instinct out of the human?

I guess is maybe too philosophical, but the fact is that human lives are being loss in the meantime.
you have to get a better weapon law and more controls. the gun license should be more difficult to get and no one under the age of 18 (or 21?)years should get a real gun.
that would be the first important step.

(sry for my bad grammar)
He had the Jigsaw doll from SAW tatooed on his arm, I bet someone will start blaming horror movies now...

Yep...blame anything but the person. He also had a pentagram to be a sign.

I have lots of tattoos...a lot of them metal and horror based, I've already been asked about them concerning the shooting. I had to respond that the "Saw" tattoo was a dead giveaway. Anyone with a tattoo that lame has to be monitored.

you have to get a better weapon law and more controls. the gun license should be more difficult to get and no one under the age of 18 (or 21?)years should get a real gun.
that would be the first important step.

Except that criminals will always find ways to get guns and leave law-abiding citizens with an unequal balance of power. If a 16 year old wants a gun badly enough, he'll get one.
I have a solution and it has nothing to do with guns. It has to do with the media.

They need to stop plastering these asshole's names and pictures on every website, newspaper, and tv station. By doing so, they are glamorizing them, setting them in stone of American history, making them famous (or infamous in this case). Instead, they should focus on the victims and their families ONLY.

I know it goes against all the rules of the press, withholding facts from a story, but if all the major news outlets got together on this, for the betterment of the community, it could work.

It won't stop workplace shootings where the perp has a grudge to settle against certain people or company, but it would curtail these random mass murders where the killers just shoot anyone in the vicinity so they can make the national news.

Fact is, these people are going to kill themselves, they know that going in. So they figure, I might as well take out as many as I can on the way out so people will always remember me.

Stop giving them infamy, and they will be less inclined to take out a large number of innocents.