Norwegian Translation

:) ok!

My problem with this band is that they are not original........
the first album was a copy of darkthrone, the second a copy of emperor and in "predator" + "universal" they tried to copy Dødheimsgard .....but ofcourse the result was quite boring...
Nagash sucks!!
well, i really like only "Predator". the rest albums are average and i agree with you, Troll never was orginal. but sometimes i can listen them ;)
yeah... Hellhammer is great drummer and Troll without Hellhammer will be most boring ;)
Hey what does Krysset mean? I don't know if I am spelling it right but I have heard it several times and I have not the slightest idea what it means.
What the fuck!? DREP DE KRISTNE is a masterpiece.. True grim melodic blackmetal with folkinfluences... The vocals are great too.. The new one is not as good though...

"the second a copy of emperor"

- Now that´s not true!
Hey what does Krysset mean? I don't know if I am spelling it right but I have heard it several times and I have not the slightest idea what it means.
I think its a cross(?) Not a christian cross, but you know like this: "X".. A markspot or whatever it´s named...
Yes. But don't you find it a bit.... what to say..... "immature" to name a record "Kill the Christians"? I mean, it's like calling a record "Kill 5/6 of Norway's Population". I don't think it's worth wasting hate on people who believe in something you think is wrong. And violence is pathetic anyway. And also, if you're using violence against Christians, then you're as bad as the Christians who tortured and killed the Pagan people a long time ago....
@henrikmain; As much as I don't like the title either,
I have to say "why bother caring?" When you say
"Why waste hate on christians?" I can say "why
waste your time not liking the albumtitle?" hehe...

And why should I waste my time writing this? Cause
we all care, and we all have an opinion. Just leave it
be. It's just an albumtitle :eek:))
Originally posted by henrikmain
Yes. But don't you find it a bit.... what to say..... "immature" to name a record "Kill the Christians"? I mean, it's like calling a record "Kill 5/6 of Norway's Population". I don't think it's worth wasting hate on people who believe in something you think is wrong. And violence is pathetic anyway. And also, if you're using violence against Christians, then you're as bad as the Christians who tortured and killed the Pagan people a long time ago....

:lol: Now that I come to think about it, the digipack version has a logo on it for "Stopp Vold" or something (stop violence) :lol:
"Immaturity" is a part of puberty, which is the case of many members in much of _classic_ bm at one time.. Take bands such as Dimmu and Satyricon - both have used similar expressions :p
ha ha yeah I've seen that... and inside the cover there is a poem that expresses violence and hate towards Christians... I don't really get it.. he supports the Stopp Volden campaign but wants to kill and massacre innocent Christians?? hmmm..

ell I don't really have any opinion on Trolls music.. they who like it, like it.. they who don't.. doesn't