Norwegian Translation


then it will be like "the mysteries of satan" or "satans mysteries".

..and i didnt even give a fuck in the first place :D
Okay...getting back to NORWEGIAN translation....can anyone translate these songs from Darkthrone's "Transylvanian Hunger" album?

Over Fjell Og Gjennom Torner
Skald Au Satans Sol
Slottet I Det Fjerne
Graven Takeheimens Saler
I En Hall Med Flesk Og Mjod
As Flittermice As Satans Spys
En As I Dype Skogen
Sorry it's a bit late, I only just joined this forum.
But if any of you were still wondering, "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" means "The Secret Rites Of Lord Satan".
I'm seeing Mayhem in concert on tuesday :rock: can't wait!!
Charris said:
Sorry it's a bit late, I only just joined this forum.
But if any of you were still wondering, "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" means "The Secret Rites Of Lord Satan".
I'm seeing Mayhem in concert on tuesday :rock: can't wait!!

Don't think so Dom is a contracted form of Domus or Dominus that mean Lord or House/Mansion so it would be "About the mysteries of Lord/the house of Satan" in Latin rites was "rites" or at least "mos"

simply, because they deserve it. They invade everyone and try to force them into their beliefs. They are not innocent in the least bit. I was once forced into the fucking cult when i was young. i was beaten if i did not say my weak prayers. i was grounded if i refused to go to church. i knew it was all bull shit. i could look past the lies, but no one could see past them except for me. christianity is a political tool. they made the religion to make it easier to take controll over people, and, sadly it worked. i would like to take part in a church burning if i could get away with it. i am a very angry person and somehow it may have something to do with... christians? Well i hate them and i am proud to be my own ruler and not cower before a false god.