

Lady of the Vale Forlorn
Sep 9, 2002
Hartlepool, UK
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I was browsing through my EMP magazine last night and noticed that Nostradameus are touring in Europe with Masterplan and Hammerfall!! I missed them when they played the Underworld with Gamma Ray etc in 2001....late arriving :( .....but from what I have heard they put on a good show. Any chance of them getting a slot???
Do they have cheesy parping keyboards or are they more Metal?

BTW I got the Masterplan album on Vince's reconmendation, and its pretty damn good. One or two tracks could be better (loose the keyboards!), but all in all a damn good album.
Black Lagoon said:
Do they have cheesy parping keyboards or are they more Metal?
They have some keyboards, but they're not particularly parping or cheesy. And particularly live, they put on a full metal performance, and I'd love to see them again. They remind me of Freedom Call, in that they come across much heavier in a live environment.