99 days and counting ...


Raging Heathen!
Sep 10, 2002
Northern Shores Of The Humber
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so we are finally down to tens and units and now the real countdown begins ...

My Opinions so far:

The Friday looks excellent with Power Quest, Blaze and Saxon. I'm anticipating that this will be an excellent night. I wonder who the final band will be?!

I don’t think the second stage is up to last year’s (Infobia, Elvenking, Primordial, Bal Sagoth, Return To The Sabbat) standard as yet but seeing as I’m going to be mostly in the mainstage I’m not complaining. The bands I’m hoping to check out are Biomechanical (again) and Waylander.

The mainstage looks tremendous and I predict that Masterplan will continue to the legacy of German metal bands stealing the show (Primal Fear @'01' & Freedom Call, Blind Guardian and the Mighty Gamma Ray@'02') I think however that they'll be pushed all the way by Hammerfall, Nightwish and Dragonforce. The other band I’m looking forward to checking out is Mercury Rain.

As for the vacancies, I hope we get Nostradmeus, Into Eternity and Tygers or Demon for the last remaining main slots.
I've only herd CH, MR and Biomechanical so I'm gonna try and check out as many bands as possible.

Last slots: Mistress, Aborted, Akercoke and some more unsigned Extream acts.

Doubt it'll happen but heres hopin':) whatever happens its gonna be a laugh
To be frank, there's nothing on the Friday to excite me greatly. It is however my birthday, so I shall most likely be too pissed to take any note of the bands.

The Saturday should be excellent though. Like many others, I dreamed of the day Nightwish would play in the UK, so it will be a somewhat emotional gig. As for the other bands on the bill, Dragonforce and Hammerfall should be good, as will Mercury Rain and Cruel Humanity.

I'd love to have seen a lot more Gothic and Black Metal acts on the bill, but I appreciate that this isn't a festival solely for either. However, for the remaining slots, Tristania, Mayhem and The Sins Of Thy Beloved would be fine with me. :)
Nightwish are definitely the band I'm looking forward to the most. I've seen them twice at Wacken, both times with piss-poor sound, and from some considerable distance.

That's what's great about Bloodstock, it's real 'up close & personal'. Seeing Blind Guardian/Gamma Ray from about 30ft away last year was way better than Wacken. Especially when you're a short arse like me... :-(

Anyway, I expect that I'll be too stressed out to enjoy the Friday much, but I'll give it a go. Blaze puts on a killer show.

If you do get the chance, check us out on the Saturday, and pop over and say hello...
Looking Forward to it myself.

Friday is THE day for me. Saxon and Blaze (The UK's two finest metal bands) on the same bill is always a good thing.
As I've said before Saturday is a bit so,so for me, but I have decided to go as the hungover trip to Cardiff to see Saxon again is just going be a pain in the arse and mean I won't be able to drink with my buddies that night.
I am looking forward to seeing Masterplan and Paradise Lost on the main stage and Bates Motel and FourWayKill on the little stage.
I'll also be trying to check out all the other bands if I can, and have got my fingers crossed that some of them might impress me.
Baletempest said:
Volcane: you doin signings at all or sellin T-shirts for that matter?

Hello mate,

Yes on both counts !

We will be doing a signing session I think. I'm sure that all the bands did one last year, so it should be on.

T-shirts are available now, and we'll bring the MR merchandise machine with us to BS03 as well.

All T-shirts are £10 (inc P&P), and info on how to get 'em is on www.mercuryrain.com


Baletempest said:
Last slots: Mistress, Aborted, Akercoke and some more unsigned Extream acts.

I dont say this very often but i agree with baletempest here. Mistress were excellent live at napalm deaths last gig. I wud prefer napalm death or benediction (or both :D) to Akercocke, but i think aborted would be quite good at BS03.
Konkhra would anihilate the entire band line up thus far :D - in my slightly biased opinion ;)

Joking aside they would be class, its kinda gives the thrash and death fans somethin to get excited about
Kolyma said:
Tristania would Rule! Second stage headliners?
I wholeheartedly agree. I'm listening to "World of glass" at the moment, and it absolutely rocks. It's probably the album I listen to most at the moment (with Amaran's "A world depraved" a close second). Plus, of course, they'd go well with Nightwish. But I have a feeling that Vince has probably exhausted his budget for overseas acts, so we're likely to see more UK bands, rather than foreign ones. I'd really, *really* like to see Seven Deadly Sins make it. They're the only UK band I can think of that are obviously missing from this year's lineup.

I'd definitely lead the requests to see Tristania in '04 though. And Amaran, for that matter. And speaking of such things, both Dimmu Borgir and Borknagar should have their new albums out by then. Throw in some best of breed power metal (Nostradameus, Angel Dust, White Skull, and perhaps returns for Primal Fear and/or Gamma Ray to headline), and '04 could conceivably have an awesome lineup. I'll stop now before I drool on the keyboard too much :)