Not exatly metal, but please lend me your ears


New Metal Member
Jun 17, 2010
After reading along here for quite a while now this my first post.
So hi everyone! :)

To the point: My buddy and me have been working on a little project for quite some time and started mixing our songs not long ago. Since both our mixing skills are rather poor and the room acoustics in our "studio" are suboptimal I'd like to ask you guys for some feedback.
It isn't mastered yet and as mentioned above, it's not really heavy.

Guitars are a Diezel VH4 through a Marshall 4x12 Cab w/V30's blended together with LePous Legion I think (not sure anymore about the ampsim we used)


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You can embed the soundcloud player in your post by typing in the address of the song and then clicking the soundcloud button on the far right in the full thread/reply menu. Or you can just type the address in between these:


Just take out the spaces immediately around "SOUNDCLOUD." I've noticed the less clicks required to listen to your mix the more likely people are to give you feedback.

The vocals in the intro sound a bit dry to my ears. Some of the synth sounds are a bit too "cheesy" sounding for my tastes and stick out in the mix. During the chorus I feel like you did a good job of blending them under the guitars, although I think the guitars could be brought up just a bit.
Thanks for your reply
fixed the link

In the beginning I have noticed that "cheesy" sound of the synths as well (didn't write the song), but somehow got used to it, so thanks for bringing it to my attention again.