Notable releases to come 2014


Awwwwwww SHIT! :kickass:
At The Gates confirmed

AT THE GATES checked in with the following comment statement:
"So, here we are almost 24 years since the birth of AT THE GATES, and some 18+ years since our latest album 'Slaughter Of The Soul'. A lot of years have passed and we have embarked on some life-changing reunion tours and shows the last couple of years.
So, why make a new album you might ask, and why now? Well, what we learned from the last couple of years hanging out and playing shows together, is that we enjoy what we do to the fullest extent. We love playing music together, and we love to hang out as friends. But, as a musician, we constantly write new music. It's a huge part of our identities.
We are fully aware that we have made some very drastic statements in interviews as well as the closing words on the DVD about the longevity of AT THE GATES, but things change, situations change and people change. When Anders sent the first song last summer, we had zero expectations of the outcome. We only knew one thing - That it sounded amazing! At the time we weren't even sure there would be an album, but as things progressed, more songs came into existence, and we knew we were on to something great.
We know you are all curious about the new material, and to make a simple explanation of where we are at musically, we would describe it as a perfect mix between early AT THE GATES & 'Slaughter of the Soul'-era AT THE GATES, trying to maintain the legacy and the history.
We chose Century Media as a worldwide partner for the upcoming album. We have all been friends for years with people at the label. Jonas & Anders have a history with THE HAUNTED there (as well as Adrian with PARADISE LOST).
So, we hope to bring you updates about the progress of the new album soon. The plan is to record the album in June/July with a tentative release in October / November of 2014 on Century Media Records."
--AT THE GATES, January 27, 2014 - See more at:
The Horrors, EMA, Nokturnal Mortum, Panda Bear, Kanye West, Devin Townsend, Agalloch, Slasher Flicks, Swans, Radiohead, Liars
got the new alcest. now, I am one of the few here that has enjoyed everything he's released. the last two were great, and only suffered from people's expectations of what they wanted to hear.

the new one, while pretty and shimmering, leaves all traces of metal behind. that doesn't bother me. however, the songwriting aint there this time around. he's finally gone into coffee shop college art house mode. its the kind of thing I picture sirloin making some chick listen to to show how sensitive he is so he can score.

The new Alcest is horrifically girly and boring. And I don't need music to help me score.

See, this is why you people shouldn't judge "non-metal music"* based on your shitty metal bands that tried to soften up.

*(having to make this distinction is sort of hilarious in itself, but then again this is RC)

The new Alcest is horrifically girly and boring. And I don't need music to help me score.

See, this is why you people shouldn't judge "non-metal music"* based on your shitty metal bands that tried to soften up.

*(having to make this distinction is sort of hilarious in itself, but then again this is RC)

Alcest has always been girly. That's not the problem with the new album. The problem is that it sucks and is insignificant.
Remember when nearly everyone was creaming themselves over all things neige? Celestia, amesours, le secret, peste noire....

Le secret is probably the one i listen to the least out of all alcest. Dont really care about the others, but the amesoeurs ep is neat
All I own is Le Secret, and the only reason Im holding on to it is that I know it will go for $500 in a few years. Wimpier than a Kanye windmaker in a gyno's reception room.
Checking out some of the stuff Dark Descent is dropping.. sounds appropriately dirty and enjoyable. Jerry, you might find this worth your time.

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