Notable releases to come 2014

not sure about this new swans. its all over the place. this is something dick would like.

give me another burning world or great annihilator
I haven't heard it yet, but I never quite loved The Seer. I suppose I need to spend more time with it, a lot of their stuff can take years to really appreciate. I definitely prefer their "accessible" era to the early noise and later weird, but even lesser Swans is still pretty good.
its even less accessible than the seer. of course i was listening last night after hours of pain and drugs, so....
New Swans is massive. Not sure what to think yet. It's Floydian in parts, punk in others. If you didn't like The Seer, you probably won't like this either.
I don't like The Seer............yet. I'll give it another 50 spins (or more) before I allow myself a concrete opinion on it. Oddly enough I thought We Rose From Your Bed with the Sun in our Head was fantastic. Yes yes, I know.
I only have the World of Skin compilation from the second disc of the Children of God re-release, so yes, I should! I love that stuff. I have a lot of random Gira and Jarboe side project things, some range from brilliant to odd. Even the stuff I don't like is worth listening to, in its own special way.

Supposedly one of their best efforts yet.