Note to self...


Aug 31, 2003
Always shave using shaving cream.

I was in a rush this morning and decided to shave without using cream... what a mistake that was. OUCH! My whole face felt like it was on fire after I was done.

The thing is, it didn't start hurting until a few minutes after I was done shaving.
I shave using this


You're all pussies.
He's so senile, he doesn't even notice.

Dear sir, he doesn't need tohold that, I have womenservants for that job. He is the Shaverholder and Court Jester.
My accquaintance Phil is very highly Christian, and all that needs to be done to send him into an absolute rage is suggest that Jesus availed himself of male comforts once in a while. That, and remind him of his Arabic heritage (at least one of his parents is Syrian). The only problem is that he'll start hitting you then. He also mocks Jews all the time.

You know, it occurs to me that Phil's really kind of a dick.
"You know, it occurs to me that Phil's really kind of a dick."'re just know getting that? It occured to me when you said:

"My accquaintance Phil is very highly Christian"
My grandparents are highly Christian too (Catholic, actually), but they're cool and very far from being dicks.

I don't really hang out with Phil much (he's a friend of a friend, except it's more like tool of a friend), so I didn't really think of his dickish qualities until I wrote them out just now.