Nothings changed


Dec 3, 2005
Havn't been on this thread for a while and i see nothing has changed. Everyone is still bitching over whether or not AYDY is good. Get over it, who cares if people don't like the album, its called an opinion, just becuase someones opinion is different from yours does not autmatically make them wrong. I think it is their worst album but i dont write it off completely, theres a few tracks i definitly enjoy listening to every now and then. So lets stop with all this bitching, it's pointless.
Rock Hydra said:
It doesn't bother me any, I don't care what people think about the music I listen to.

Glad to hear it I'm the same way. I listen to lots of different music from dream theater to immortal technique to MSI. Although people usually make fun of me when i tell them i listen to MSI.
Indeed, it's still pretty much the same. Discussing AYDY to death, obsessing over that Joonas guy's sexual orientation, and spam, spam, spam.
But what's the point of this thread?
Sure this place is full of trolling and bullshit, but do you really think that just pointing out the obvious and complaining about it would change that?
Wouldn't just posting more relevant things and trying to ignore the spam be a better idea?
Just sayin'.
shapeup said:
Havn't been on this thread for a while and i see nothing has changed. Everyone is still bitching over whether or not AYDY is good. Get over it, who cares if people don't like the album, its called an opinion, just becuase someones opinion is different from yours does not autmatically make them wrong. I think it is their worst album but i dont write it off completely, theres a few tracks i definitly enjoy listening to every now and then. So lets stop with all this bitching, it's pointless.
who are you?
Lanterns said:
Indeed, it's still pretty much the same. Discussing AYDY to death, obsessing over that Joonas guy's sexual orientation, and spam, spam, spam.
But what's the point of this thread?
Sure this place is full of trolling and bullshit, but do you really think that just pointing out the obvious and complaining about it would change that?
Wouldn't just posting more relevant things and trying to ignore the spam be a better idea?
Just sayin'.

I like this theory.