Nottingham/Derby Area Sneapsters


Apr 8, 2006
Hamburg, Germany
This is for those forumites who live in the Nottingham/Derby Area in the UK.

I stupidly fucked up stuff with my new (now ex-)girlfriend, who lives in Nottingham. So I am most likely flying over thursday night to have a talk in person. Since I am not a total idiot, I am aware of the fact that she might send me away at her doorstep at 1am at night (this is when I arrive), so I was wondering if any of you might have

a) an emergency couch
b) any info on where to stay for a night in Nottingham when it is that late.

This is for the night from Thursday 29th to Friday 30th of May. I really hope it's not gonna be like that, but I always like to plan for worst case scenarios.

Any info is really appreciated!
yes but any one whos seen the interview with andy also knows he has a shotgun and if hes anything like me he dont like trespassers.
Thanks everyone for chiming in. I don't really expect it to go bad, but you never know.

And Andy: no begging, ever. I am too old for that. :) But also old enough to admit when I fucked up ...

EDIT: just checked travelodge and 60 pounds per night is not really cheap. I can get 4 stars for that in Hamburg! Maybe I should just hang out in the train station till the morning ... :)
the train station in hamburg is actually quite nice to stay in, i found out when my bank froze my account while i was on holidays there (i would actually recomend it over the place i stayed in london) the only downside to it is the constant security guards comin up an telling you to move along but i found some good comfy corners.
£60 isn't cheap? I can get peavey to send you a cardboard box, all you need now is a big issue and a dog on a bit of string.

This is true but it probably wont arrive when you want it to.... Randall might get one there quicker but I can throw in the copy of the big issue
come here, steal our women, complain about price, someone may be about to get blocked on this forum! Randall boxes are warmer I'll have you know, and I talk from experience having woken up in a peavey box in my outhouse last year when I was locked out.
come here, steal our women, complain about price, someone may be about to get blocked on this forum! Randall boxes are warmer I'll have you know, and I talk from experience having woken up in a peavey box in my outhouse last year when I was locked out.
You could have stayed in a travel lodge. Ive heard from a reliable source they're pretty cheap. :loco:
come here, steal our women, complain about price, someone may be about to get blocked on this forum! Randall boxes are warmer I'll have you know, and I talk from experience having woken up in a peavey box in my outhouse last year when I was locked out.

Hahaha, I am trying to imagine that now. For those 60 pounds I could always get a taxi to your randall box in the outhouse ... :)