Wait... Mike played last night? Oh shit! I'll also say that no apologies are necessary. I've known you guys for a long time, and know how much hard work goes into this whole thing. I wish I could have come out for the show.
Sounds like it was a great night and everybody enjoyed themselves, I wish I could have been there!

Any pics/setlist btw?

The setlist i stole says:

into night's requiem infernal
drown the inland metre
eulogy for the living lost
empathy's greed
dark world burden
harmony divine (thank you so much for finally playing this and dedicating it to me! looooooved it!)
autumn reflection
lazarus regret
silent tomorrow
i hurt those i adore
pale haunt departure

great set!
What a great night!!! Paul - hope you are feeling better man. We all certainly understand. No need to apologize.
Thanks for HARMONY DIVINE. Always great to hear one live that I never heard before.

Not sure if the whole bass player issue is going to be officially addressed or not.
Who is Mike though? He certainly looks familiar.
He did a good job. Always impressed by non-pick bassists.

Woods were very enjoyable as well!
Their singer is a dead ringer for SETH GREEN!!! :)

Even though I was tired as hell, I stuck around for Earthen Grave.
It took a while to get into them at first, but once they got their groove, they were solid.
Seeing Rachel perform is a treat. I never thought I would enjoy a performance involving Violins like that!
Also, they covered my fav Witchfinder General tune, in "Burning a Sinner" and ended with Trouble's "At The End of My Daze"

Great night... Great turnout. Great venue!!!!

Good to see so many familiar faces too.

They also covered a Pentagram song, then ended with Children of the Grave
The guy who played bass with us for the gig last night was Mike Feldman, a local bassist who plays with thrashers Degradation and Priest/Maiden tribute band Judas Beast. He's a killer bassist and did a great job.
Hey guys, I hope that you had a good show and that you had a more than decent turnout.

Sorry to hear about your back Paul, hope it gets at least a bit better/more tolerable for you soon. I understand that it can feel like a letdown when you can't perform to the best of your abilities, but as a fan all I have is respect for you every time you make it out there. In fact, I'm quite sure you give us more than we fans sometimes deserve. I'm just grateful I've managed to catch you guys live so many times already and would continue to be grateful for every time you make it out here. I hope the next time is sooner rather than later :) You guys always rock the stage live!

Who is Mike though? He certainly looks familiar.
He did a good job. Always impressed by non-pick bassists.

Would that be Mike LeGros, who played on Pale Haunt? Chris didn't play?
edit: ah... nevermind.
The guy who played bass with us for the gig last night was Mike Feldman, a local bassist who plays with thrashers Degradation and Priest/Maiden tribute band Judas Beast. He's a killer bassist and did a great job.

Mike Feldman??? Sounds like a nice Jewish boy!!!
If you wanted to go that route, you could have hired Will or I!!! :grin:
I should be the one apologising for making people have to listen to me sing haha

Oh, that was fine! I like watching you sing, you get that maniacal look in your eyes while you're screaming, it's cool :tickled:

Woods were very enjoyable as well!
Their singer is a dead ringer for SETH GREEN!!! :)

As Britt pointed out, the other guitarist also looks like Seth Rogen. Is this the start of a new genre, Celebrity Metal?

Thanks everyone for coming out to the show we had a blast and the turnout was incredible! It was great seeing all the local fans again. Ken it was really cool seeing you after all this time. As always we never get enough time to hang out and talk.

The staff at Reggie's was so great and that club is really fucking cool. Garrett the soundman and Ronnie the stagehand were such an incredible help throughout the whole night. I'm glad they were there and such cool guys.

Paul was such a trooper last night. I've never met anyone as dedicated to something as he is. :worship:

Mike did an awesome job last night on bass. Thanks to Will for playing bass during our soundcheck as well!
It was a great show and a blast to see everyone again. My freind from work who I bought with was blown away by you guys. He bought 2 cd's and a shirt. he is used to going to stadium shows so he was even more amazed with meeting people from the bands and stuff.

Reggies hands down is the best club in the city for shows. I love the set up and having the store open during the show is nice plus having the restraunt open before the show is also can at least hang out and eat and drink before the show. Plus all the workers are nice and it doesnt seem like a job for them to be doing what they are doing.
Yeah, Reggies wound up being pretty cool, once we got certain logistics straightened out lol, everything went smooth from there. That record and t-shirt shop next door was far far too great of a tempation for me though. I kept creeping in there and looking around but thankfully was too busy to spend any money (which I didn't really have anyhow!)

I was very proud of everyone in my band last night. It was not an "easy" gig for multiple reasons and I think we all pulled it off well and still had fun.
This was seriously probably the most fun I had at a show all year.
It was just a good vibe the whole evening.

The turnout was great! Everyone seemed to have a great time.
Sorry I missed the show, but I'm glad to hear that it went well! Eulogy for the Living Lost must have killed in a live setting - that's my favorite tune from the new record!
Sorry I missed the show, but I'm glad to hear that it went well! Eulogy for the Living Lost must have killed in a live setting - that's my favorite tune from the new record!

This used to be my fav off the new one, but that spot has been stolen by "I Hurt Those I Adore" Glad that was played as well.
Eh don't apologize for the back thing, Paul. It's well established that I am the grand-poobah of being a disrespectful dick but even I couldn't give you shit about that one.