Novembers Doom


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
I have The Knowing and To Welcome the Fade. I'd been listening to TK for quite some time before the Agalloch show and I really fell for it, especially tracks like "Awaken" and "Harmony Divine". Parts of that album remind of early Anathema, and there's certainly some Opeth worship going on (similar chord structures etc).

I bought TWTF at the show and I'm not sure what to think of it yet. It's certainly not as immediate as TK, but does have its moments.

Their live show was exceptional by the way.

Thoughts / Opinions?
Novembers Doom is a bit above average, but I don't necessarily think they are premier league. The Knowing is their finest hour by far.
To Welcome The Fade is well crafted album. Although I am no expert in this genre, I feel that this album is actually better in song construction that Opeth's Blackwater Park. The reason is the BWP seems to go off on a drunken tangent during the album whereas TWTF just maintains its composure throughout, so you feel rooted to what you are listening to. Excellent tracks - Not the Strong, Broken and the track Within My Flesh simply blows me away each time I listen to it.
Good band overall, but the whole 'long straight hair with cowboy hat' image really needs to be left to Brett Michaels.

I picked up a compilation disc of theirs at the show - they were handing them out for free. Just listened to it tonight - the stuff they did when they were on Martyr Music isn't bad at all (Of Sculptured Ivy and Stone Flowers material).
JayKeeley said:
Good band overall, but the whole 'long straight hair with cowboy hat' image really needs to be left to Brett Michaels.

I picked up a compilation disc of theirs at the show - they were handing them out for free. Just listened to it tonight - the stuff they did when they were on Martyr Music isn't bad at all (Of Sculptured Ivy and Stone Flowers material).

UM and RC regular Russell hooked me up with a CD-R of Welcome to the Fade and I've enjoyed it immensely. No pics of cowboy hats, so thankfully I don't have that image...

I have The Knowing, I love the first track... reminds me of Anathema.
Papa Josh said:
No pics of cowboy hats, so thankfully I don't have that image...
Dude - that was what they wear on stage! Bring out some bar stools and you've got Tesla.

I have The Knowing, I love the first track... reminds me of Anathema.
Indeed. They definitely have a thing for Serenades, no doubt.
Hello folks. First of all, for the record, only one of us wears the hat in the band, which is myself. And I do not wear it while performing 99% of the time. It's not my "stage image" or some such nonsense. It's something that I have worn for years and years, it's just my personal thing. If it bothers people that much, then I don't really know what to tell you. We're not an image conscious band, we go onstage dressed pretty much how we dress normally and that's that. No Tesla or Bret Michaels worship, sorry. Band members from bands such as Moonspell, Opeth, Nevermore, and so on, have all been seen wearing cowboy hats over the years as well. It's not a big deal. If having an image of cowboy hats affects your listening experience when listening to us, then I'm sorry for you.

Secondly, we acknowledge bands such as Anathema and Opeth as being fantastic at what they do and while we do enjoy what they do, neither of them were really an influence on our writing. We've been writing and playing the type of material we do for many years now, and our influences are more along the lines of Candlemass, Celtic Frost, VoiVod, DreamDeath, Winter, and lots of different old prog and alternative music and so on. If there are similarities between what we do and what those other bands like anathema and opeth do, it's more coincidental than anything. I'm not knocking them, I'm just acknowledging where our true influences lie. I personally think the newer Anathema material is much better than that old stuff anyhow, but that's just me...

To those who came and saw us on this tour, thanks much, and hopefully the majority of you weren't affected by petty things such as the appearance of a band member or two. And thanks for all the positive feedback on our albums! See you again on the next tour!
i don't think he was picking on you or the band intentionally. maybe he was but from what i've seen of his comments in general i think it's safe to say thathe wasn't :D maybe he was using the description to generate more comments to help keep the thread alive as he does seem to enjoy your music so i shouldn't think what was said should be held against the guy. i wish i was into November's Doom but it's just not my cup of tea but you seem to be doing rather well and i hope your success continues and bring the band joy :Spin:

Edit: damn typos:bah:
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
Hello folks. First of all, for the record, only one of us wears the hat in the band, which is myself. And I do not wear it while performing 99% of the time. It's not my "stage image" or some such nonsense. It's something that I have worn for years and years, it's just my personal thing.
Hello. :D

First of all, can I ask, how did you find this thread? Were you just browsing through forums, or did you use the UM search functionality to look up the phrase, "Novembers Doom"? If it's the latter, I'm really depressed that Steve Harris hasn't turned up to our forum yet. :loco:

Hang on....


Did it work? Steve? Mr Harris, is that you? Please shag my wife. :tickled:

If it bothers people that much, then I don't really know what to tell you. We're not an image conscious band, we go onstage dressed pretty much how we dress normally and that's that. No Tesla or Bret Michaels worship, sorry. Band members from bands such as Moonspell, Opeth, Nevermore, and so on, have all been seen wearing cowboy hats over the years as well. It's not a big deal. If having an image of cowboy hats affects your listening experience when listening to us, then I'm sorry for you.
No, it doesn't bother my listening experience in the slightest. If you notice, I started this thread by glorifying your band, and I even mentioned that your performance in Boston was "exceptional". In addition, I bought one of your CDs specifically to review on our webzine (as opposed to ask for freebies as other webzine editors do). In fact, I pride myself in doing everything I can to support you, the artist - you should see what I did for Agalloch!

The whole reference to Tesla was a joke, and most people here know my sense of humoUr. <- I'm a limey by the way, which might explain my angst towards your hat. :D Having said that, I will allow my American wife to wear a cowboy hat on the 4th July. Actually, I jest. Most of my posts here are aimed at the regulars who already know I'm a fool, so I apologize if I seemed a tad harsh towards your headgear.

However, with all honesty, it would be easy for me to take back what I said about the hat, but I can't. The sight of some dude with long hair in a cowboy hat is...well, cheesy. In an 80's kind of way. But please, don't stop on my account. After all, you're the one getting the groupies. :loco:

If there are similarities between what we do and what those other bands like anathema and opeth do, it's more coincidental than anything.
Fair enough, but to be fair, I would be shocked if the average fan didn't hear those two bands in your music without knowing what you're actual influences are. I am glad, however, that you realize that we drew those comparisons out of praise, not criticism. :)

To those who came and saw us on this tour, thanks much,
You're welcome. Shame you couldn't make it to NY. The drive to Boston was well worth it however.

and hopefully the majority of you weren't affected by petty things such as the appearance of a band member or two.
Not at all. I mean, it's not as if you look like the lead singer of Running Wild. I'll take 'cowboy' over 'pirate' any day of the week. Did that sound gay? Oh you know that I mean... :D
Black Winter Day said:
it seems that jaykeeley can't open his mouth without offending someone nowadays.
Huh? Who have I offended? I stay in my own forum. :Smug: Except in my reponse to that one person who said Funeral Doom was all fuzz and lacked feeling. :loco:
Black Winter Day said:
monikaedv (sent YOU a pm calling you an asshole), burkhard, klaair (you started the thread that pissed them off)
november's doom
me (???)

eh, it just seemed like it for some reason...
Are you dissing me, or defending me? I can't read your tone here...
JayKeeley said:
First of all, can I ask, how did you find this thread? Were you just browsing through forums, or did you use the UM search functionality to look up the phrase, "Novembers Doom"? If it's the latter, I'm really depressed that Steve Harris hasn't turned up to our forum yet. :loco:

Hang on....


Did it work? Steve? Mr Harris, is that you? Please shag my wife. :tickled:

Hmmm... if this is how it works, any chance Jude Law is browsing the forum? :D