Now drinking...

Bonaqa mineral water mixed with some orange/ananas aroma. Tastes like puke. Seriously.

man, i dont know how you guys can drink iced coffee. ive tried it a few times. it always needs a huge amount of sugar which defeats the purpose of drinking a bitter, gastritis-causing beverage.
about to go and get some coke, because coke is my life

drunk 2l so far today and the night is still very much young
Ellestin said:
Hell yeah, I should have tried to make tea out of that fir tree leaf from 'N Crugu Bradului!!!

hahahah ...

that water is pretty easily available in the US ...

hot chai is fucking delicious. expensive though. i think i can make some for cheap. isnt it just tea with spices and honey?
after a weekend full of white russians made with half-and-half..

just had some cookies so poured a glass of milk... the milk tastes like water :ill: