Now Eating Thread (Official)

Mormagil said:
rice with salsa and part of a chile relleno burrito which was approximately 3 times hotter than the surface of the sun so now it's cooling off in my backpack for later

QUESTION: why the hell do they call it kraft dinner in canada? it's macaroni and cheese goddammit

because: Kraft Dinner doesn't use real fucking cheese. It's that powdered chemical bullshit.

Macaroni in cheese uses 1: better noodles 2: real cheese 3: the oven to melt said cheese
puts some powdered cheese product in an envelope and prepares to mail to mormagil.


Kraft Dinnarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Contacted my buddy who I'm going to say is my expert:
Kevin says:
Kraft dinner and Mac and Cheese are 2 different things
lol. One is chemically processed cheapass bullshit.

The other is wholesome slightly more expensive and slightly longer to make Awesomeness.

Also, due to the steps in making it.

KD = soggy
Mac & Cheese = dry.
ok, ok, , do you mean REAL macaroni and cheese? or are we talking about the kraft version that comes in a box that looks identical to kraft dinner except the name? because that's where my main gripe lies, the fact that they market the product under two different names for no apparent reason, unless they're selling americans inferior product and they make the packaging similar to fool us, in which case i would be deeply disappointed by the folks at kraft.
hahahahahahahhahahaahahahaa. nice.

I eat it because its in the cupboard because my aunt is too cheap to buy cheese. She's also too cheap to buy: spices, garlic, soya sauce, butter and refuses to buy salt.