Now I'm into sample replacement - Need opinions on these sounds!!

Erik Monsonis

Nov 18, 2006
Mexico City

I was wondering how much could I improve my drum sound yesterday with some replacing on S2.0 and mixed this: final replaced.mp3

It's my latest song, but with kick/snare replaced. It's the first time I sample replaced something so I thought it would be harder to sit all together, but it was pretty easy as the samples were really good.

I used a kick I manually extracted from Machine Head's "Aesthetics of Hate" multitrack (the one in the rock bands multitracks). Then added some EQ to fit my mix and some gating/comp to finish it.

For the snare I just used the one Behindert uploaded some time ago, it's a great sample, very punchy and middy (just what i wanted for my mixes). Nothing special in the chain, just some surgical EQ, light compression and reverb.

Let me know what u guys think: Did I improve the overall sound or not? :D

Previous version: master.mp3 (no replacements)

Thank you very much!!
Best wishes.
It sounds much better to me. It is more natural, specially the snare drum. The kick sounds bigger and deeper also.

I really think you weren't wrong by changing these. And it is a kick-ass song btw :kickass:

I remember those samples but I cannot find them anymore. Is there any place to get them?

I think it was an improvement.

Do you think you could send me the kick samples? Or maybe host them online somewhere?

Snare would probably be cool to have too actually
Thanks all!

@ hoehlentroll: Yes, it's Rev MKIII, i only changed kick and snare in this mix ;)

Every one that asked me for samples check your PM!! :D
Doesn't the snare sound like hitting an empty plastic can? ¯\(°_o)/¯

Zeronaut and Arthur, I want your answers right now bitches! :lol:

Best wishes.
Zeronaut and Arthur, I want your answers right now bitches! :lol:

so you want an answer ?
how about this


yeah i love this forum >.<

also ..
great sound as always:kickass:
I'd really appreciate the kick sample...sounds really good! not a fan of the snare sounds a bit fake
samples sent to every1

@digitaldeath: hehe, it sounds somehow similar frequency wise, although my sound is more middy and darker. I really like the vocals, very similar with my singer's.

Thanks!! ;)

Any suggestions on EQing and stuff?
ey man

that shit sounds better, much better than the first you post.

you know that kick for me it's absolutly brutal and the snare sounds more clear and more punch...

i'm remembering the first record you made many years ago...what a difference...:heh::heh::heh::heh: