Now it starting to piss me off...


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Remember some days ago somebody put a link to You Tube and several of us got banned because not being in USA? Well I was today trying to see some Ste Vai videos on his MySpace site (I'm a friend of him) and the system denied me the access on the same basis.

On one side everybody is saying CD/DVDs are dying and download will be the future, on another side the bands are using MySpace as a free site to promote themselves and in the final side you cannot see shit! :Smug:
I also was unable to see Vai's video on his MySpace. I am, however, able to see them on Youtube.
Whenever I get the "unavailable in your country" message, it's almost always when I'm trying to see clips or episodes of TV shows, not music videos. I live in Mexico by the way.
Funny you should mention this....I was on iTunes this evening to buy a couple of comedy albums and there are several that are listed for sale but when I went to buy a pop up came up saying "this title is not for sale in North America." iTunes is turning away business?! What the fuck is that?!
I get routed to the inferior Canadian counterparts.

You don't want to see then the Latin American versions of Cinemax, HBO, Sony, WB, FOX. Thanks God at least I have NBC, CBS and ABC from Denver, CO, so I can see some of my shows on real time and not wait a year for the subtitled versions. :mad:

But my original rant was directed specifically at MySpace. I still can understand some filtering on YouTube, but MySpace supposedly it's about promoting yourself for free worldwide, so waht's the point in filtering?
I can't get to Comedy Central or Fox stations from Canada. Even though we get Detroit Fox on cable here and antenna. For things like Comedy Central, I get routed to the inferior Canadian counterparts.

Have you had any success with proxies? Even with those, I get filtered. Almost like the ISPs have a hand in it.
Remember some days ago somebody put a link to You Tube and several of us got banned because not being in USA? Well I was today trying to see some Ste Vai videos on his MySpace site (I'm a friend of him) and the system denied me the access on the same basis.

On one side everybody is saying CD/DVDs are dying and download will be the future, on another side the bands are using MySpace as a free site to promote themselves and in the final side you cannot see shit! :Smug:

Thats weird because I can see two video's on Steve Vai's myspace and they are both youtube vid's. I can play both of them.
Thats weird because I can see two video's on Steve Vai's myspace and they are both youtube vid's. I can play both of them.

Remember the filter says actually: Sorry, the video you're trying to access is not available in your country. That means that Holland is an allowed country.

Who knows, still I believe the principle of the fact continues to be wrong at the spirit of MySpace.