What is it about Brits and piss?!

i was at the trivium/maiden gig-must have been the first night,didnt see it on the second night when i was there.
it has long been a tradition at festivals for sure-its pretty grim,but what used to happen was that they couldnt be bothered to que for the dreaful toilets that used to be(and still are)at donnington/download,so they filled whatever with piss just to relieve themselves,then someone came up with a rather disgusting use for the biproduct.....

nobody deserves that,whether they are good or bad,or you like them or you dont.they are up there,trying thier best at what they do.they all deserve respect.not piss!

and i'm english btw princess.
But I really agree organisers have to pick out better matching bands to open...I've seen some real shit bands past years opening for great bands. I do pay for the full gig, including the opener, and too often it's a rediculous act that just bought theirselves into a tour or so ...

Couldn't agree more. Keep certain types of music together rather than creating an ecletic collection of bands and genres. It just bothers people who come for one band and have to sit through something they generally don't want to hear.

Personally, I try to see bands that will have an opener I want to see or can tolerate (Metallica and Godsmack, Priest and Queensryche, Kiss and Nugent and Skid Row, etc.)

The worse case of a bad opener I experienced was when I saw Bon Jovi a few years back with an awful Ska band opening called "Less Than Jake". Let me assure you, they were more than awful.
If a band absolutely blows, then walk away from the stage area with a pissed off look on your face. It is ok to boo if the band says something that offends you/the audience. Throwing piss ballons is not acceptable. The band is not the only one that is affected. The owners of the venue suffer, sometimes equipment is rented from local music stores and that could be damaged.... etc. etc. The venue owner's insurance companies that insure the event's/club/arena etc. keep up with that stuff as well.
Acting juvenile does nothing but keep metal out of that city. It isn't funny in the least. I am sure no one in this forum has ever done anything like that.
I have proudly been kicked out of venues for moshing, being too drunk/drugged up and barely able to stand, stage diving and once for fighting a skin-head who was stage-diving feet first into long-hairs just because he was a dick-head, but I have never done anything that could hurt the band/fans/venue/equipment even in my teenage years. I was pretty wild in my day, but I would never have done anything as vulgar as throwing a piss balloon.
Having said all of that, even at my old mellow age, if I were to get hit accidentally by a piss balloon, I would break my foot off in the ass of whoever it was that threw it if I saw them. That is totally unacceptable behavior.



Ha! I don't like them, but that is too much and (although not remotely possible) I think they deserve an opology. If they played like some of the opening poser bands around my area, they wouldn't have gotten out of there alive!
Ironically a bunch of people cheers them on (unbelievable).
These bands always get to open for the legends, I have no clue why.

Once I had to stand through 4 of these bands just to see 1 band! and I had to be there early cause I had to buy the ticket there.
That is what punk bands do it's their style. As for Slayer I bet they wouldn't mind the attitude as Hanneman and Araya at least are punk fans.
This is correct but that band was more sissy glam punk than Discharge/Exploited-like punk :D They looked ridiculous, adding to the fun factor.
The singer/guitarist was so high that he volontarly hit his head against the mic, so hard that it started to bleed! What a dork :lol:
20 000+ people were laughing at him, it was definitely his day of fame.