London gives Trivium an early Christmas Present. URINE!

COB hasn't had Kimberly Goss in years... the band he is thinking of may be an even worse group of fags named Bleeding Through:

I'm not saying to throw stuff at them. Their albums (except for (N)utopia) were pretty decent. But I mentioned them since they do have an attractive keyboard player.
COB hasn't had Kimberly Goss in years... the band he is thinking of may be an even worse group of fags named Bleeding Through:


I thought he was being fasetious...sounded like the typical, "Who is that band from Finland with the really hot keyboardist?" remark made by little girls who think that COB are a new band.
my 2 cents.

maiden hasnt exactly released anything worth listening to in the last 10 years.

trivium sucks, but thats taking it too far.

they have to think of the medical reprocussions of something so vile. i think bodily fluids crosses the line of decency. boo the band, throw grass or whatever, but when people can die i think its beyond rediculous.

and annhilator opening for trivium is a disgrace.

bullet for my valentine should really think about wacken before they play. theyre going to be in serious trouble. lol
they have to think of the medical reprocussions of something so vile. i think bodily fluids crosses the line of decency. boo the band, throw grass or whatever, but when people can die i think its beyond rediculous.

I don't think people can die from having piss thrown on them. Unless you have something really wrong with you then your urine should be pretty much sterile.
Well let's throw American light beer at them then, its like piss, but usually won't kill you unless you drink a whole truckload.
In walmart last night, in my extremely stoned haze, I threw a block of cheese at my friend and it left a very nice welt, as i saw today... so I vote we throw cheese at them.