now its the OFFICIAL heads-up for an upcoming dead6skin6mask6 Nevermore release :P

"3kb/s..........holy shit......"
You're complaining about 3kb/s!!!! My average download speed is 2.5kb/s and my fastest is about 3kb/s. It's just not fair.
"I was once downloading at like 300kb/s

I even saw it higher than that I think

those were the days......."
Oh, fuck off. Anyway, what connection do you have? T1.
Originally posted by Lord of Metal
"I was once downloading at like 300kb/s

I even saw it higher than that I think

those were the days......."
Oh, fuck off. Anyway, what connection do you have? T1.


I used to d-load off of ballsy bozarth at 9-20 kb/s on average.BUT, one day I came home and I was at like fucking 300.....I was fucking amazed!!
Im not complaing

Im just wondering why the fuck my connection sucks as of late

fine, I am complaining

But its such a harsh word, I prefer......not content out loud