Now listening

King Diamond- Conspiracy Andy's guitar tone is GODLIKE! it really compliments his playing style.
Andy is by far the most underrated guitarist in the world !!!!!
His work on Conspiracy and Them (which is my No 1 KD album)is mind blowing but his work on THE EYE is mesmerising. Their is nobody in the scene that is as unique as Andy.
I am listening to Into The Convent from THE EYE. Probably my fave guitar lead.
Andy is by far the most underrated guitarist in the world !!!!!
His work on Conspiracy and Them (which is my No 1 KD album)is mind blowing but his work on THE EYE is mesmerising. Their is nobody in the scene that is as unique as Andy.
I am listening to Into The Convent from THE EYE. Probably my fave guitar lead.

They happen to be my favourite king albums aswell as abigail, its funny how the eye wasn't well recieved when it came out yet now people realise what a masterpiece it is:notworthy

Yes ( Awaken ):rock:
its funny how the eye wasn't well recieved when it came out yet now people realise what a masterpiece it is:notworthy

It was the 90's. The other guitarist Pete Blakk does some pretty sick leads on that album aswell. Too bad he had to leave the bad because of his alcohol and drug issues.

Now listening to Queensryche Take Hold(of the flame)