Now Playing (The Infamous Topic Returns)

Rush - Good News First

Edit: Just got this in my paws!

Tarja Turunen - My Winter Storm (Ltd w/ bonus DVD)

I am on the last track of Tarja's I Walk Alone Digipak and i have to say that while i would hardly call it a masterpiece, and i seriously doubt that it will make the year end top albums list that i create, it had a number of songs that were enjoyable on some lighter level. That isn't to say that i don't have my reservations, because i most certainly do. But accepting it for what it is, i find i can pull some enjoyment from the album.

Even "I Walk Alone" isn't half bad once it's seperated from that truly hideous video. I even find myself enjoying the "In Extremo Remix", and at first i really didn't think i would.
Norther- The Cure

At the moment I'm obsessively playing Ensiferum, Wintersun, Therion and of course 'Dark Passion Play' is more than holding it's own in my CD Player. Seriously I'm having to limit the amount of times I listen to 'Iron' a week as it's a lot.

@Iced Dog: 'Kali Yuga pt. 2' rules so much. Good choice!