Now Playing (The Infamous Topic Returns)

Ahem, ACTUALLY...Simone is indeed on the orchestral version of that cover, and is the best version IMO. PM me if anyone wants to hear's cool :)

When you're right you're right. I always forget about the Orchestral Version. I always just pop on the other version.

..and that is my Now Playing, because i had to pop it on to see for myself/remind myself.
Ayreon - live at 013 Tilburg, Netherlands 2002-09-29 -bootleg

Awwesome concert featuring songs from Ayreon's Actual Fantasy, Into The Electric Castle, Universal Migrator and Star One's Space Odyssey!

The Band:
Guitars: Arjen Lucassen,
Drums: Ed Warby
Bass: Peter Vink
Keyboards: Joost van den Broek
Vocals: Russell Allen
Vocals: Damian Wilson
Vocals: Robert Soeterboek
Vocals: Floor Jansen

I wish Arjen could pull up a tour like this with the new "01011001" -CD. *sigh* One may always dream anyway...
Nice. I don't remember the dates offhand, but that just about looks like the Star One tour (sans Irene and the flutist, Eva). It's a shame that even if such a tour somehow managed to happen for Y, it would not come to the states. Le sigh.
I also like Chasing The Dragon (from The Divine Conspiracy) in that vein. You might also be interested to know that they did a cover of Death's Crystal Mountain for the Quietus single. Of course don't look for any Simone on that one hehe. But yeah, pick most anything from them, either fast or slow, and it's quality.

Well, I have the whole Divine Consipracy album, which I just decided to check out because it's their newest one. And in my opinion, most of the time a band is only currently as strong as their latest album. I like it as a whole. The most "intruiging" track for me, being a huge Fear Factory fan, is their cover of "Replica". At first, I was completely mortified by it, but I find over time it has it's own unique charm. Too bad for Epica though that Burton C Bell is one of my favorite singers for both harsh and clean vocals.

Arch Enemy - The Day You Died
Echoes of Eternity - Towers of Silence

What can I say? Tramz and Xeno's debate over them got me interested, and they're not the best band, but I can listen to it fine while hard at work.
Echoes of Eternity - Towers of Silence

What can I say? Tramz and Xeno's debate over them got me interested, and they're not the best band, but I can listen to it fine while hard at work.

Ugh. My commentary is partly responsible for leading someone to listen to EoE? I have to kill myself now :p

N/P: Autumn - State of Mind