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Whatever you're, or album. It's up to you! :)

Indestroy - "(EP) Senseless Theories"
Wicked Child said:
Is that album any good? what does it sound like?

Yes, it's good....I like it. It sounds (to me) like good rock/metal. (I don't know how to describe music.... I either like it or I don't :) I think you'd like it! :)


Loudness - "Disillusion"

This one is in Japanese :)
delize said:
Yes, it's good....I like it. It sounds (to me) like good rock/metal. (I don't know how to describe music.... I either like it or I don't :) I think you'd like it! :)

This one is in Japanese :)
It is outstanding. Akira Takasaki (guitarist) is one of the most well-kept secrets in metal. Takasaki was as good as people like Viv Campbell and others of his era. He was a monster player. People say The Japanese are good at improving stuff but aren't good at inventing things. Someone forgot to tell Loudness this because they sound very unique. I think two releases after that one, they changed singers to an American guy and kinda screwed up their sound. Minura Nihara (singer) had the wild asian accent to his "Engrish" but that was one of the things that made them unique.
They actually impressed Ronnie Dio enough that he sang on a couple of songs of Munetaka Higuchi's (drummer) solo album. When you have Ronnie James Dio working on your solo disc, you have made some accomplishments. Loudness had a video for one of the songs on that release namely "Crazy Nights."


Thanks Bryant :)

I would love to have the video. Crazy Nights is one of my favorite, and the accent is wonderful; especially when he says Crazy Nights. :)
Wicked Child said:
Is that album any good? what does it sound like?

Hell yeah it's good! They sound like... well, Loudness, They very much have that mid 80's metal sound but they had their own thing going. Once you hear them you will be able to pick them out the next time you hear them. All of their 80's releases are worth tracking down, they got way off track in the 90's though. With an American singer they were just another metal band.

And Bryant's right, Akira fuckin' smokes!!! He reminded me alot of Randy Rhoads, throwing in licks all over the place.
delize said:
Thanks Bryant :)

I would love to have the video. Crazy Nights is one of my favorite, and the accent is wonderful; especially when he says Crazy Nights. :)

I have a bunch of Loudness vids on my hard drive. I could upload some to my page for you to download... if you have a high speed conection that is, they are big files... about 30 megs or so.